The Heights Burnley

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About The Heights Burnley

Name The Heights Burnley
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Natalie Lewis
Address Burleigh Street, Burnley, BB12 0DU
Phone Number 01282882150
Phase Academy
Type Free schools alternative provision
Age Range 5-16
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils quickly settle into this school. They forge strong relationships with staff.

This builds a strong sense of community. Pupils appreciate the care that is shown to them by staff. Generally, pupils feel comfortable to ask for help when they need it.

They are happy to attend this school. Many pupils told inspectors that the best thing about the school is the staff.

The school's 'PRIDE' values exemplify the high expectations that it has for pupils.

It has designed an ambitious curriculum because it believes that pupils can succeed. The school understands each pupil's needs and provides appropriate support. This helps pupils to achieve well.
.../>Many pupils successfully reintegrate back into mainstream schools.

Typically, there is a calm atmosphere in the school. Pupils behave well in lessons.

They respond positively to the school's routines. Most pupils are supported successfully to engage in their learning. On occasion, when pupils do not behave as the school expects, staff expertly de-escalate situations so that learning is hardly ever disrupted.

Pupils benefit from a range of physical activities, such as boxing sessions and indoor climbing. They represent the school in sporting tournaments. Visits by local employers inspire pupils' future career choices.

Pupils also enjoy attending an array of clubs, such as podcasting club.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a high-quality curriculum. It has carefully considered the most important knowledge that pupils need to learn.

Furthermore, the curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils on short-term placements can keep up with their learning. Pupils who attend the school for extended periods of time build up their knowledge over time. However, in some subjects, some staff lack suitable subject knowledge to deliver the curriculum successfully.

They do not always design learning that helps pupils to know and remember more.

The school uses assessment strategies effectively to identify any gaps in pupils' knowledge when they first arrive. Staff use this information to successfully shape pupils' future learning.

However, in lessons, some staff do not check how well pupils are learning. This means that they are sometimes unaware that pupils have developed misconceptions.

A high proportion of pupils arrive at the school having struggled with their learning in the past.

The school has recently refined its processes for collecting information about pupils. This is so that it can swiftly identify any special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) that pupils may have. Staff adapt teaching well for pupils with SEND.

These pupils achieve well.

Reading is prioritised across the school. Pupils who struggle with reading are given the support they need to catch up quickly with their peers.

Pupils read high-quality books that are closely matched to their phonics knowledge. They read often, growing in confidence as they do. Pupils who are still learning phonics are taught by well-trained staff.

This support with reading helps pupils to achieve well in other curriculum subjects.

Many pupils were regularly absent from their previous schools. When they join The Heights, staff precisely identify the barriers that these pupils have to attending regularly.

Nearly all pupils' attendance improves during their time at the school. Pupils told inspectors that the improvement in their regular attendance is one of the key successes of being in this school.

Pupils experience a high-quality programme of careers education.

This raises their aspirations and ensures that they are well prepared for the next stages of their lives. In addition, the school provides many opportunities to enrich pupils' understanding of the world. For example, they visit local museums and beaches.

Pupils also learn about keeping themselves safe in an age-appropriate way. For instance, key stage 2 pupils enjoy a visit from the fire service to learn about fire safety.

Staff are well supported to manage pupils' behaviour.

The school considers staff workload and supports this by giving them time for trust-wide training. Some parents spoke candidly about how the school has changed not only their child's life, but also that of the whole family.

There is excellent communication between the trustees and the local governing body.

Trustees have an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development. Governors hold the school to account appropriately.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some teachers do not have the subject knowledge that they need to deliver the curriculum in some subjects as intended. This means that they sometimes design learning activities that do not help pupils to know and remember more. The school should ensure that staff are supported to develop subject and pedagogical knowledge to deliver the intended curriculums successfully.

• In a small number of subjects, teachers do not use assessment strategies effectively to check what pupils know. They are not always aware of when pupils have not understood their learning. The school should ensure that teachers systematically check whether pupils have learned the curriculum and use these checks to design future learning.

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