The Holy Trinity Church of England Primary Academy
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About The Holy Trinity Church of England Primary Academy
The Holy Trinity Church of England Primary Academy
Pupils live the school's values of 'joy, courage, aspiration and compassion' through everything they do. The school uses a boat symbol to represent life's journey.
This helps pupils to recognise how the values they learn provide guidance throughout life. All pupils actively take part in well-crafted assemblies. For example, the youngest children lead the school out singing as the school musicians play.
Relationships between staff and pupils are warm and caring. Pupils show compassion for one another. Older pupils care for younger children and help them to resolve friendship issues.
Pupils say bullying is rare and quickly dealt with. Staff respond swiftly to h...elp pupils with any disagreements. Pupils' behaviour in and out of lessons is exemplary.
Pupils enjoy their learning. They eagerly talk about the knowledge they learn.
Pupils enjoy many leadership roles, such as digital leaders, reading leaders, eco club and school council.
These experiences support their character development. Leaders plan a wide variety of trips and visitors to support the curriculum. For example, dressed as Victorians, Year 2 pupils attend a schoolhouse to experience education in the 1800s.
Leaders invite parents and the local community to the school regularly. Parents speak highly of the school and appreciate the high-quality communication from leaders.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have developed a highly ambitious curriculum.
They have identified the knowledge and skills they want pupils to master. Pupils revisit these through all aspects of the curriculum. The curriculum helps pupils to develop a breadth of knowledge that prepares them very well for the next stage of their education.
Pupils learn in mixed-age classes. Leaders sequence the curriculum carefully to avoid repetition and ensure that all pupils build on what they already know. In Reception Year, staff use well-chosen vocabulary to ensure that children improve their language skills rapidly.
For example, children learning about space are able to explain eloquently the idea of an orbit. Children achieve very well in the early years. This helps them to move seamlessly into key stage 1.
Children in the early stages of learning to read make rapid progress through a well-implemented programme of phonics teaching from the start of Reception Year. Leaders are ambitious for every child to become a fluent reader as soon as possible. Pupils learn good reading habits.
They carry these with them through the rest of the school and become exposed to an ever-broader range of texts. As a result, pupils become confident readers.
In lessons, pupils are highly enthusiastic and keen to share their learning.
They develop their knowledge well. For example, pupils learning about mountain ranges extend their explanations to describe the countries they occupy. They confidently identify coordinates on a map.
Pupils recall detailed knowledge and link it to other areas of their learning. For example, a hat project builds on knowledge across several subjects and allows pupils to develop their evaluation skills.
Teachers provide feedback that helps pupils know what they need to do next.
Pupils draft and present work of high quality. Early years teachers show how children are progressing through a learning journal. Staff share this with parents to show what children can do and what their next steps are.
Leaders have threaded the personal, social and health education (PSHE) programme expertly through the curriculum. Staff model the principles of tolerance and mutual respect powerfully. Pupils learn particularly well about cultural diversity and different faiths.
High-quality activities help pupils explore significant ideas and beliefs very effectively.
Leaders ensure all pupils are treated fairly. They identify when pupils need additional help.
Leaders provide well-implemented extra help that is tailored carefully for individual pupils. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the support they need when they need it. As a result, all pupils, including those with SEND, achieve well.
Leaders strive for excellence. This vision is shared and articulated by all. Leaders, including the governing body, are outward looking.
They work with many different organisations as they continually look for improvements. For example, leaders work with a local secondary school to introduce different sports into the curriculum. Leaders have introduced a charter that successfully promotes staff well-being.
Staff unanimously feel well supported by leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding.
All staff follow a careful system for reporting and monitoring. Frequent safeguarding training and updates extend to a large audience, including parents and visiting peripatetic teachers.
Leaders respond promptly to provide support for vulnerable pupils and their families.
They seek support from external agencies when it is appropriate to do so.
Pupils learn about well-being and mental health through the curriculum. They learn how to stay safe online and how to keep themselves safe through their responsible behaviour.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.