The Hurlingham Academy

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About The Hurlingham Academy

Name The Hurlingham Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Leon Wilson
Address Peterborough Road, Fulham, London, SW6 3ED
Phone Number 02077312581
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 708
Local Authority Hammersmith and Fulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to attend this school. They work hard and thrive on the high expectations set by the school.

Pupils are happy, safe and ambitious for their futures. The school fosters a harmonious and caring environment. Pupils are taught the importance of being respectful, kind and courteous.

Staff work continuously with pupils in delivering the school's motto, nurturing 'The Best in Everyone'. As a result, pupils behave exceptionally well and achieve highly.

Pupils value the expertise and support provided by their teachers.

Pupils engage enthusiastically in lessons and are keen learners. They work in collaboration with their peers and respond well... to the ambitious curriculum. Pupils are expected to work hard in lessons and they do.

There is no time for pupils to lose focus.

The education offered goes beyond delivering academic excellence, providing pupils with rich and varied experiences. For example, pupils regularly attend a range of clubs.

They visit landmarks, exhibitions, and museums in London and abroad to enrich their learning. The school helps pupils to understand the importance of being active citizens and positive ambassadors in their wider community. For example, many pupils regularly contribute to the local food bank as part of their 'house' activities.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have embedded an admirable vision and ambition across the school. They have developed a curriculum that is meticulously planned, well resourced and expertly delivered. Staff skilfully sequence learning so that pupils recall and build on prior knowledge.

In mathematics, for example, pupils in Year 10 solved complex mathematical problems using standard index form, drawing on what they had been taught previously about powers.

Teachers have secure subject knowledge. They provide a highly structured learning environment that ensures pupils are focused in lessons.

Teachers make careful checks on pupils' understanding of what has been taught, picking up and addressing any misconceptions. Pupils develop a deep understanding of the ambitious subject content taught. For example, in English, pupils in Year 8 study the social and historical context of the literature they read, which includes 'Jane Eyre' and 'Richard III'.

Pupils' work across the curriculum is of a high standard. Outcomes at the end of Year 11 are significantly above national averages.

The school identifies pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) accurately and ensures that they are well supported.

Staff are very well informed about pupils' individual needs. They tailor learning to match these needs and make sure that strategies to support pupils have the right impact. Pupils with SEND access the full curriculum with increasing confidence and achieve highly.

Pupils who need help with reading receive timely and effective support so that they catch up quickly. Staff promote a culture of reading for pleasure. They encourage pupils to read widely, such as through reading selected texts in their tutor groups.

Pupils make extensive use of the school library and enjoy taking part in reading events, such as the 'Trinity Schools Book Award'.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are exceptional. In lessons, pupils participate actively in discussions.

They collaborate well with each other and discuss their learning in a sophisticated and mature manner. Pupils value feedback from staff and regularly revisit and improve their work. Attendance rates are high.

The school keeps a close eye on pupils' attendance to identify and address any barriers to pupils attending school regularly.

Pupils benefit from a carefully planned pastoral curriculum. They explore topics such as personal health, safety, well-being and healthy relationships in an age-appropriate way.

Pupils receive timely guidance about careers and their next steps in education and training. For example, pupils in Year 9 and Year 11 spoke confidently about how the school helps them to understand the varied pathways they may follow. Pupils are encouraged to develop their leadership skills by taking on responsibilities, such as being part of the school council.

Parents and carers appreciate the excellent education their children receive from the school. Staff thrive on the training and professional development they receive. They feel valued and supported by leaders.

Governors know the school very well and provide appropriate support and challenge. Leaders, staff, parents and pupils are proud of being part of The Hurlingham Academy community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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