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This is a good school The headteacher, together with an increasingly strong staff team, has transformed the school. Leaders have successfully tackled weaker teaching and behaviour. The school is now a happy, caring community.
Pupils enjoy learning and behave well. Governors have an accurate understanding of the school's performance and hold leaders tightly to account. Pupils, including the most able, disadvantaged and those who have special educational needs, make good progress.
Teachers plan well-crafted lessons that help pupils enjoy learning. Pupils work hard. They tackle and succeed at tasks that capture their interest and make learning fun.
Pupil...s value the support provided by skilled, helpful support staff. Pupils who were behind are catching up quickly. Pupils' behaviour in lessons and around the school site is exemplary.
The three 'golden rules', 'follow instructions straight away, good manners at all times and care for everyone and everything', have become ingrained in school life. Pupils know to treat one another with respect whatever their background or differences. Bullying is rare.
It is tackled effectively when it happens. Safeguarding arrangements are effective. Pupils feel safe and learn how to keep themselves safe online and beyond school.
The headteacher has worked effectively in partnership with the local authority and a local outstanding school to secure the support necessary to develop strong teaching and leadership. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Pupils' skill in reviewing and editing their writing is not consistently developed to a high level. Non-fiction writing is not as well taught as creative and persuasive writing.
The most able do not routinely tackle work at the level of challenge necessary to master every subject to an outstanding degree. Although most of the curriculum is very well planned and taught, a few subjects need further attention. Assessment in foundation subjects and science is not fully developed.
Attendance is improving but remains below the national figure.
Information about this school
The school is a smaller than the average-sized school for primary-aged pupils. Most pupils are White British.
About one in three pupils come from a minority ethnic background. This is higher than the national average. The largest proportions being Indian, Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and Travellers of Irish heritage.
The proportion of pupils that speak English as an additional language is higher than average. The proportion of pupils eligible for support through the pupil premium (additional government funding for children who are looked after by the local authority, pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and children of service families) is higher than national average. The proportion of pupils with special educational needs or disability is average.
The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. The school does not meet requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. The sports and physical education funding statement does not include a statement about the effect of the spending on participation or how leaders will make sure these improvements are sustained.
The pupil premium funding statement does report on how spending in 2014/15 made a difference. The school has undergone considerable staff turnover in the last two years. The senior leadership team is relatively new.
The current deputy headteacher joined in January 2015. The senior leader for inclusion (INCo) and the leader for the lower school and English joined in September 2015. The school receives support from Great Missenden School, a local outstanding school.