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This is a good school. Pupils make good progress from their different starting points and leave at the end of Year 6 with high levels of attainment in English and mathematics.
Pupils' talent and achievement in music, art and sport are well celebrated. Pupils feel safe in school and behave well. The school is a vibrant place where pupils and staff share positive working relationships.
Pupils enjoy attending The John Moore, which they described as 'a work hard, play hard' school. Attendance is well above average at the school. Leaders make regular, effective checks on teaching and pupils' achievement which makes sure teaching is consistently good.
Gover...nors support and challenge leaders effectively. They know how good the teaching is and how well pupils are doing, and they hold staff to account for pupils' achievement and safety. The early years provision is good with excellent opportunities to learn outdoors.
The majority of children leave Reception well prepared for Year 1. The local authority has worked well with the school, keeping leaders up to date and providing support for mathematics and the evaluation of teaching. Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted well in lessons and assemblies and through links with other schools.
A very large majority of parents would recommend the school to others. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Occasionally teachers do not adequately explain to pupils what it is they are learning or set them suitably challenging work. Marking is not used consistently to improve pupils' work and presentation of work.
New middle leaders do not fully use the available assessment data to track pupils' progress closely so that they do as well as possible.
information about the monitoring of teaching and the management of staff performance, the school's
development plans and self-evaluation summary, the minutes of governing body meetings, and information provided on the school's website. Behaviour logs, accident logs and safeguarding information were also scrutinised.
Inspection team Najoud Ensaff, Lead inspector Additional Inspector Sarah Halls Additional Inspector Full report