The King Edward VI School

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About The King Edward VI School

Name The King Edward VI School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Clare Savage
Address Cottingwood Lane, Morpeth, NE61 1DN
Phone Number 01670515415
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 13-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1373
Local Authority Northumberland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The King Edward VI School pupils benefit from a highly inclusive atmosphere and a good quality of education. The school's underlying principle is that 'everyone will act with courtesy and consideration at all times'. This shines through in the way that pupils conduct themselves and in the strong relationships that pupils share with staff.

Pupils are very positive about their experience of school. They really enjoy being at the school and feel valued as part of the caring environment.

The school is a place where pupils can be themselves.

In lessons and in corridors, pupils' behaviour is exemplary. There is a sense of mutual respect between teachers and pupils.... In the sixth form, students are highly motivated and independent learners.

The school has a clear focus on high expectations of learning and pupils rise to these standards.

The range of extra-curricular enrichment available to pupils is vast. Pupils benefit from a carefully considered enrichment week that opens them up to a huge variety of trips, visits and experiences.

These motivate pupils and deepen their interests. This includes international visits to experiencing local art, history and culture. Pupils and students are given many opportunities to help them learn about the world around them.

The school works closely with its feeder schools to ensure that the transition between Year 8 and Year 9 is successful. Staff know pupils well, and what they are capable of, before they arrive at the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has created a highly ambitious curriculum for its pupils, including those with special needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

It has a relentless approach to supporting staff to develop and increase their knowledge and expertise. This helps teachers to deliver lessons that successfully identify the important knowledge that pupils should learn and the order in which it needs to be taught. As a result, pupils achieve well.

Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and are skilled at explaining the most complex concepts to pupils in a highly effective manner. In the sixth form, the quality of delivery is consistently excellent. The school supports pupils with SEND effectively.

Pupils who need additional help are supported by skilled staff so that they can access their learning successfully. Staff make necessary adaptations to help pupils with SEND achieve well. This means that students benefit from the highest-quality provision.

However, sometimes, in key stage 3 and 4, teachers do not consistently check that pupils have secured the understanding of key concepts before they move on with learning. As a result, some pupils develop gaps in their knowledge and understanding.

The school's values of creating respectful, responsible, caring, curious, motivated and resilient pupils are clear to see.

Pupils manage themselves well and self-regulate their behaviour. Students in the sixth form act as mentors to younger pupils. The views of pupils and students are listened to and acted on by leaders.

Pupils and students read widely and often.While many pupils attend well, the school's strategies to improve the attendance of disadvantaged pupils are less successful. Such absence is having a negative impact on how well disadvantaged pupils achieve overall.

The school's personal development curriculum is exemplary. Careers provision is highly effective, particularly for those in sixth form, where students complete their studies with considerable success. Students go on to a large range of high-quality destinations, including Oxbridge and Ivy League universities.

Pupils are taught how to be respectful and responsible citizens. The opportunities for pupils to excel are huge. This helps students to mature into well-rounded, informed individuals.

Trustees and those responsible for governance of the school have a clear understanding of the strengths and areas of development. They carry out their responsibilities effectively. They take careful consideration of staff well-being.

They are passionate about the success of the school. They hold the school to account and this is having a positive impact on the quality of education for pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school's strategies for improving the attendance of some pupils are not sufficiently impactful, particularly those pupils who are disadvantaged. This means that some pupils miss out on aspects of their learning. The school should improve its attendance strategies so that the absence of pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils, is better addressed.

• On occasions, teaching does not check that pupils have secured the understanding of key concepts before they move on with their learning. This means that some pupils develop gaps in their knowledge and understanding. The school should support teachers to better check pupils' understanding before moving on to new knowledge.

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