The Lincoln Bishop King Church of England Primary School

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About The Lincoln Bishop King Church of England Primary School

Name The Lincoln Bishop King Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Claire Gaskell
Address Kingsway, Lincoln, LN5 8EU
Phone Number 01522880094
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 445
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

While some pupils who attend this school have lived in England all their lives, many have recently arrived in the United Kingdom.

Pupils come here from countries all over the world. They are made welcome. Staff and pupils say that, 'Everyone is greeted with a smile to make them feel valued and safe.'

Leaders and staff have high expectations for all pupils. Pupils get the help that they need to do as well as they can. Pupils who join the school unable to speak English are quickly taught the most crucial words that will help them to take part in school life fully.

Staff use their expertise to provide support for pupils, including those with special e...ducational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to learn new things.

Pupils are polite and respectful. They behave well in lessons so that everyone can get on with their work.

Pupils say that bullying does not happen very often. They say that adults will deal with any worries they may have.

The school's motto, 'Dream big, love God, live well', threads through the life of the school.

Pupils learn about life beyond their local area. They learn about the different opportunities and careers that may be available to them in the future.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Senior leaders, supported by governors and the local authority, have focused on improving the quality of education at the school.

They have provided training for subject leaders so that they can improve the teaching of their subjects. This is paying dividends.

A top priority for leaders and staff is teaching pupils to read as soon as they join the school.

In the early years, children learn rhymes and songs. They join in with the words and actions that their teachers model for them. Staff start teaching children to recognise letters and the sounds they make right from the start of the Reception Year.

Teachers and teaching assistants all follow the same approach to teaching reading. They give pupils books to read that contain the sounds that they know. Pupils steadily become more accurate and confident readers.

The leader with responsibility for phonics visits lessons frequently. She provides constant support to staff so that phonics is consistently well taught.

Mathematics is also taught well throughout the school.

In the early years, teachers use the songs that children have learned, such as 'Five Currant Buns', to help them understand the concept of 'one less'. Pupils in Years 1 to 6 are encouraged to 'SLAM' when they are answering questions in mathematics lessons. This means that they 'Speak Like A Mathematician'.

This encourages pupils to use their mathematical vocabulary correctly and to talk in full sentences. This is particularly helpful for those pupils who are still mastering the English language. Pupils with SEND have the support and equipment that they need to build up their knowledge and understanding in this subject.

In some subjects, such as science and history, leaders have set out exactly what pupils must learn. The plans state clearly the important things that pupils must remember, and the crucial vocabulary that they must understand and be able to use. Teachers check what pupils have learned and can remember.

In these subjects, pupils are well placed to build on their prior learning in the future. Leaders have not finished planning out all subjects in this much detail. In some subjects, such as geography and design and technology, the plans do not include the early years.

Teachers expect pupils to pay attention in class and they do. Those pupils who need extra help to manage their own behaviour are well supported.

This is an inclusive school.

One pupil proudly declared: 'I have friends from Lithuania, Bulgaria, Latvia and Vietnam.' Pupils learn about the world in which they live. Pupils learn about the location, culture and language of a wide range of countries.

This is part of making the many pupils who were born outside the United Kingdom feel welcome, included and at home here.

Pupils can learn to play a range of musical instruments. They can take part in a wide range of clubs and excursions.

They speak respectfully about those whose beliefs or home lives may be different from their own. They say, 'We are all different. It doesn't stop you from being you.'

Governors know the school's strengths and priorities well. They check regularly that staff feel supported and that their workload is not overwhelming. Staff at all levels appreciate that senior leaders care about their welfare.

They told inspectors, 'We feel privileged to work here. We feel valued.'


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding at this school. Staff receive frequent training. They know how to spot, and report, any concerns that they may have about the welfare of pupils.

Leaders, working in partnership with external agencies, provide a wide range of support for pupils, and their families, when this is needed.

Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe when they use the internet. They understand about cyber-bullying and know what to do if they are concerned about anything which may upset them.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school's curriculum is not yet sufficiently well planned and sequenced in some subjects. However, it is clear that leaders have already taken action to plan next year's curriculum and to train staff in how to deliver it. For this reason, the transitional arrangements have been applied.

• Curriculum plans for some subjects span from the early years through to Year 6. They set out exactly what pupils must learn and when. This is not the case for all subjects.

Planning in some foundation subjects does not start in the early years and the content of some subject plans is not precise. In some subjects, teachers cannot be certain that they are building reliably on what pupils have previously been taught. Leaders should ensure that all curriculum plans span from the early years through to the end of Year 6, setting our exactly what pupils must know and remember.

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