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The Lincoln Manor Leas Infants School is a warm, friendly and welcoming place.
Pupils are proud of their school. They enjoy their learning and being with their friends. They told inspectors: 'The staff help you, and children are friendly.
Also, you can learn to play the ukulele.'
Leaders keep pupils safe in school. Pupils say that they feel safe.
They know that bullying is not tolerated. They know that staff are quick to sort out any concerns for them. Pupils have a voice in this school.
Staff generally have high expectations of pupils. Most pupils have positive attitudes towards their work and each other. Pupils like being class 'superstar...s'.
Pupils play happily together at breaktimes. However, on occasions, some pupils find it hard to keep focused on their work. Staff do not always take a consistent approach to these incidents.
This can affect how well pupils learn.
Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school. One parent, who represented the view of many, said: 'The staff at this school have always gone the extra mile for my children.
I have nothing but praise for the school.' Parents describe the school as a special place to be.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed a curriculum that matches the ambition of the national curriculum.
In the early years classes, the curriculum covers all of the areas of the early years framework. In many parts of the curriculum, leaders have thought carefully about the sequence of learning. Pupils remember some of the curriculum content that they have learned.
In physical education (PE), pupils confidently talk about how to jump effectively. Other pupils know why exercise is good for your body. However, in a few subjects, leaders' curriculum thinking is not as clear.
The knowledge and skills that children will need for their future learning in some subjects have not been precisely set out. Because of this, learning is sometimes limited.
Leaders understand the importance of reading.
Leaders ensure that there is a very strong focus on ensuring that pupils acquire a wide vocabulary in every class. Phonics teaching starts promptly in the early years. The daily phonics sessions are well structured.
Pupils use their decoding skills well to sound out unfamiliar words. Books are matched to the letters and sounds that pupils are learning. Most pupils quickly learn the sounds that letters make and how to blend these together.
Staff regularly check how successfully pupils learn new sounds. They are quick to provide support if pupils fall behind.
The mathematics curriculum is well planned.
Teachers teach mathematics well. Pupils understand and use mathematical vocabulary correctly. For example, they can explain the terms 'quadrilateral' and 'pentagon' when discussing shapes.
Teachers adapt their lessons effectively to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) progress well. Pupils enjoy their mathematics lessons. Teachers frequently check pupils' learning.
They are quick to address misconceptions.
Relationships are very positive between children and adults in the early years. Staff ensure that the learning environment is engaging, inside and outside the classroom.
On occasion, curriculum thinking in the early years is not clear enough. As a result, adults sometimes plan activities that do not focus precisely enough on what they want children to learn.
Leaders are currently reviewing the school's approach to checking what pupils have learned.
In some subjects, teachers routinely check that pupils remember key learning. In other subjects, the approach is not yet as rigorous. This means that teachers do not know for certain whether pupils have gaps in their learning.
Leaders prioritise pupils' personal development. Staff help pupils to develop resilience and to express their emotions. Pupils know how to keep fit and eat healthily.
Lessons focus on helping pupils to explore feelings and their own well-being. They learn about healthy relationships and friendships. Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to attend after-school clubs.
Pupils understand right from wrong. They know that voting means that you have a choice. There is some inconsistency in pupils' knowledge of different faiths and beliefs.
Governors are knowledgeable about their roles. They work in partnership with leaders to challenge and support school priorities. They ensure that leaders are held to account as well as being supported.
Leaders work well with staff. Staff appreciate the professional development they receive. They know that leaders are considerate of their workload.
Leaders have made changes to the curriculum in recent years. However, they have not focused enough on measuring the impact of their work. This means that some curriculum developments do not have sufficient strategic direction.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a very strong culture of safeguarding at this school. Leaders make sure that vulnerable pupils, and their families, receive the help they need to stay safe.
Staff are very clear about their responsibilities for safeguarding pupils. Leaders make sure that staff have regular training. Staff are quick to report any concerns they may have.
Leaders take prompt actions to follow up on any concerns. Leaders and trustees regularly check the school's safeguarding procedures. Record-keeping is robust.
Pupils learn about healthy relationships. They know that if they are worried or concerned, trusted adults in school are there to help. Pupils appreciate this.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a few subjects, leaders have not agreed clear expectations for how the early years should provide the starting point for pupil's subsequent learning in key stage 1. This means that, on occasions, the curriculum does not focus precisely enough on ensuring that pupils are prepared for their future learning. In all curriculum areas from early years to the end of key stage 1, subject leaders should identify the important knowledge and skills that need to be prioritised so that pupils are better prepared for their future learning.
• Leaders have made changes to the school's curriculum in recent years but have not evaluated the impact of these changes. This means that they do not have a full picture of the strengths and weaknesses in the curriculum. Leaders should strengthen checking processes so that they can gather and evaluate information that will help them provide more focused strategic direction to curriculum improvement.