The London Oratory School

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About The London Oratory School

Name The London Oratory School
Ofsted Inspections
Acting Headmaster Mr Daniel Wright
Address Seagrave Road, London, SW6 1RX
Phone Number 02073850102
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Boys
Number of Pupils 1393
Local Authority Hammersmith and Fulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a school where pupils thrive.

They are happy and safe. Leaders have high ambitions for the achievement of all pupils. The academic curriculum is broader than the national curriculum.

Leaders have very high expectations for the behaviour of pupils in the school and pupils behave exceptionally well. Pupils are polite and well mannered. They are curious learners who work hard in class.

Music and singing are at the heart of the school. The Junior House curriculum has a deliberate emphasis on the development of pupils' musical ability. In curriculum music in Years 7 to 9, all pupils learn to play musical instruments.

There is a wide range of choir...s and orchestral groups where talented pupils blossom. Leaders ensure that all pupils have the same opportunities to access all that the school has to offer.

Leaders encourage pupils to become considerate and critical thinkers through their well-established, character-developing curriculum.

Students in the sixth form are role models to younger pupils. They support younger pupils by reading with them and organising enrichment clubs and events. Pupils described the school community as a family.

Bullying is never tolerated.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders ensure that all pupils study a broad range of subjects. In the sixth form, students achieve very highly.

Leaders ensure that the expectations of pupils are consistent across the school.

Subject leaders have organised the order in which curriculum content is taught so that it deepens pupils' understanding over time. Pupils learn to make meaningful links between different pieces of information.

They are taught the key vocabulary leaders want pupils to know. Over time, pupils successfully retain what they have learned and achieve highly.

Teachers are subject experts.

When appropriate, they encourage pupils to attempt work beyond what is expected for their age. Pupils love to be challenged in this way. They work hard in lessons and are determined to succeed.

They demonstrate highly positive attitudes to learning. In class, low-level disruption is very rare so learning proceeds uninterrupted.

Teachers check that pupils have a secure understanding of new learning.

They address misconceptions swiftly when they occur. When pupils struggle, teachers are skilful in supporting pupils to catch up.

Leaders foster a love of reading in pupils.

Pupils spend time reading together each day. Pupils in the Junior House study challenging texts in English. Teachers encourage pupils to develop skills in writing from a young age.

Pupils learn about the historical context of the texts they study. Leaders support any pupils with weaker reading skills to develop reading fluency and confidence.

Pupils make the most of the extensive opportunities on offer outside the taught curriculum.

Large numbers of pupils take part in the wide range of music enrichment, including choirs and orchestral groups. Sports clubs in rugby, water polo and boxing are also very popular. Pupils develop their confidence through activities that promote public speaking and leadership skills.

Through these, the school encourages pupils to develop their perseverance and resilience.

Leaders encourage pupils to become responsible citizens. For example, students from the sixth form complete community service in local care homes and primary schools.

The provision for careers information, education, advice and guidance is comprehensive. Pupils receive talks from a wide range of employers and apprenticeship providers. Leaders ensure that pupils receive the support they need to make choices for their futures.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are extremely well supported. Leaders ensure that their needs are identified and that appropriate resources and adaptations are in place to support them. In class, teachers work effectively with specialist staff to enable pupils with SEND to access the full curriculum and achieve as highly as their peers.

Leaders and governors strive for excellence in all aspects of the school. They are continuously reviewing and improving the school's work. Leaders ensure that all staff understand and contribute to addressing the school's priorities.

They consider the well-being of staff when making decisions for the future. Staff appreciate the efforts of leaders to manage their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders prioritise the welfare and safety of pupils. Leaders responsible for safeguarding work well with local outside agencies to make sure vulnerable pupils and their families get the help they need. The policies and procedures for safeguarding are robust and understood by all staff.

Leaders ensure that procedures for the safe recruitment of staff are secure.

Pupils are taught how to stay safe. This includes online safety and mental health.

Pupils are confident to go to adults in the school if they need help. They appreciate the sources of support available to them, such as the school counselling service.

Leaders in the school ensure that all pupils learn the importance of respecting others.

All pupils receive age-appropriate guidance about healthy relationships, sexual harassment and consent. Leaders have been proactive in addressing concerns raised by students in the sixth form. They work with a focus group of male and female sixth-form students to ensure they have an accurate understanding of any issues that pupils may face.

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