The Manor CofE VC Primary School

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About The Manor CofE VC Primary School

Name The Manor CofE VC Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Michael Park
Address Ruskin Avenue, Melksham, SN12 7NG
Phone Number 01225700150
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 151
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Most pupils attend well and are happy at The Manor Primary School. They know and understand the school's values well.

For example, children in Reception Year remind one another to be respectful when they are playing.

Staff support and nurture pupils. Most pupils respond well.

Pupils say there is an adult at school who they can talk to about any worries they may have. Bullying is uncommon and is dealt with quickly when it does happen.

Leaders' expectations of pupils have recently increased.

Most pupils strive to meet them. However, some pupils do not behave well enough. They are not always positive in their attitudes to learning. behaviour sometimes upsets their peers.

The school's values are evident in all that staff and pupils do. Pupils develop their characters and understand the importance of making good choices.

Pupils appreciate the many clubs and trips they have taken part in. Pupils benefit from opportunities to take part in new experiences such as dance festivals and residential trips.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum.

Key themes run through the curriculum, such as the Christian values of the school and a strong focus on language. The curriculum is intended to build on what pupils already know. However, pupils do not remember enough of what they have learned before to build their knowledge.

This means pupils make slower progress through some areas of the curriculum than leaders intend.

Teachers have sufficient subject knowledge to explain new learning clearly. They correct mistakes and misconceptions quickly.

Staff check what pupils know and identify when pupils do not remember their previous learning. Staff re-teach the missing knowledge before moving on. For example, they ensure that pupils know the grammar, mathematical method or phonics sound they will need in the upcoming lesson.

However, sometimes staff do not know starting points of pupils accurately enough to ensure work is well matched to the intended learning.

Leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND follow the same curriculum as their peers.

Their needs are quickly identified. Leaders work closely with other agencies to make sure that those who need support from outside school get it. However, some pupils with SEND do not have the help they need to learn the curriculum.

Consequently, they do not achieve as well as they could.

Staff have the expertise they need to teach phonics. Children in early years get off to a strong start with reading.

Many in Reception Year and Year 1 show great excitement when they learn new sounds. They are keen to practise what they already know. Children in Reception Year with SEND get the support they need to keep up.

Leaders have prioritised reading across all year groups. There is a particular focus on learning new vocabulary in all subjects. However, some pupils do not read well enough to access the curriculum.

Leaders know that the behaviour of some pupils is not good enough. They are working closely with those who most need to improve. Staff help these pupils to make better choices and to reset their attitudes when things have gone wrong.

However, many pupils are inattentive to staff and interrupt learning. Pupils say they sometimes find it hard to concentrate on learning because they are distracted by others. In Reception Year children listen to staff and peers and are eager to learn.

They co-operate well with each other and there is a harmonious atmosphere.

Pupils develop their understanding of democracy through school groups like the worship council. Leaders make sure that pupils who have SEND or are disadvantaged take part.

Recently, pupils decided the names of the houses and the captains for a new house system. They understand how to be active citizens. Pupils know how to stay healthy, both physically and mentally, and of the importance of exercise.

Staff are well supported by leaders who take account of their workloads. Governors and trustees understand their roles. They know the school well and provide challenge and support.

They recognise the strengths of the school and where it needs to improve further.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that safeguarding records are detailed and well maintained.

This enables them to make timely referrals to external agencies and follow these up when necessary.

Staff are well trained to spot the signs that a pupil may be at risk. They know how to report and record any concerns they have.

Leaders make all necessary checks to ensure the suitability of staff working in the school.

Pupils learn about things that might increase their risk of harm. They know which school staff to speak to if they have any concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some pupils do not behave well enough. This means they disrupt the learning of others in lessons and that playtimes sometimes feel less safe than they should. Leaders need to ensure that the behaviour of pupils improves.

• Pupils with SEND do not always receive the support they need. Consequently, they do not learn as much as they could. Leaders need to ensure that all pupils are able to progress through the curriculum.

• Pupils do not always recall what they have learned. As a result, they are not able to build on their existing knowledge. Leaders need to ensure that pupils remember more of the curriculum.

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