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The Metheringham Primary School is a friendly and inclusive school. The school's motto is 'inspire, believe and achieve'. It is clear that pupils and staff have this motto at the centre of all that they do.
Pupils enjoy coming to school and are enthusiastic about their learning. Pupils state that they feel safe in school. They would be happy to talk to any member of staff if they have any worries or concerns.
One parent echoed the views of many, when they stated: 'We feel that Metheringham Primary School is a warm and welcoming school that supports all its pupils in all areas of the curriculum.' Leaders have worked hard to ensure that there is effective pastoral suppo...rt in the school.
Teachers have high expectations of all pupils.
Behaviour around the school is calm and pupils feel that bullying rarely happens. If it does happen, teachers and leaders deal with any incidents quickly and effectively.
Pupils have the opportunity to take on leadership roles, including being on the school council and being green ambassadors for the school.
These opportunities increase pupils' confidence, and they are proud to fulfil their roles.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have recently developed a new curriculum for all pupils. This curriculum has been carefully planned to ensure that pupils are able to build their knowledge over time.
All pupils access the same curriculum. The teaching of the new curriculum is not yet consistent. Some teachers have not yet had access to the subject-specific training they need.
Leaders have also adopted a new approach to assessment. This approach is not used consistently across all subjects. Sometimes, pupils' misconceptions are not always quickly identified.
Some pupils do not develop detailed knowledge in some subject areas.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities access the same curriculum as their peers. They receive specialist support and guidance and are well supported.
Teachers are aware of the needs of all the pupils in their classes. They ensure that pupils' needs are met. Teachers have created an inclusive and positive learning environment for all pupils.
Leaders have fostered a love of reading across the school. There is a consistent approach to the teaching of reading and phonics. Pupils in the early stages of reading are well supported.
Leaders have spent time considering the books that pupils have access to. Pupils read a range of different types of text, including fiction, poetry and non-fiction. Pupils speak enthusiastically about their favourite authors.
Pupils are respectful towards each other. There is a positive atmosphere around the school. Teachers, including those in the early years, have high expectations of pupils, and most pupils meet these expectations.
Leaders have ensured that pupils who need more support with their behaviour have access to high-quality pastoral care and support.
Children who are in their first year at the school benefit from effective provision. The leader of early years routinely checks the understanding of all the children who are in the Reception classes.
Each child has individual targets to support their development. There is a focus on helping children in the early years to develop their communication skills and vocabulary. Most children develop these skills well.
Leaders have recently developed a new plan for the delivery of personal, social and health education. Pupils also have access to age-appropriate relationships education. Pupils are able to talk about their learning connected to keeping safe and online safety.
Leaders have ensured that pupils study views and beliefs that are different to their own. Pupils talk positively about the opportunities that they have to support each other across the school.
Governors are active in their roles.
They challenge leaders effectively. They understand the strengths and the areas of development of the school. The school has also received support from the local authority and the local teaching school hub.
There is a family atmosphere at the school. Leaders, teachers and support staff work together to create a positive learning environment for all pupils. Teachers appreciate the work of leaders to consider their workload and well-being.
Staff are happy at the school and feel valued.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have established systems to ensure that safeguarding arrangements are effective.
All staff, including governors, receive regular safeguarding training. When safeguarding concerns have arisen, leaders have taken swift action to support the pupils and families involved.
Leaders have ensured that appropriate checks are in place for all staff and visitors, to help keep pupils safe.
Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. Pupils feel confident about talking to any member of staff if they have any worries or concerns.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, teachers do not use assessment effectively enough to identify the gaps in pupils' knowledge.
These gaps are not filled. Leaders must ensure that assessment is used to identify and address gaps in pupils' knowledge consistently well. ? Some teachers do not have the skills and knowledge they need to deliver aspects of the new curriculum.
This means that they do not develop pupils' learning in some subjects. As a result, some pupils do not learn the curriculum as well as they should. Leaders should ensure that all teachers have the knowledge and skills they need to enable them to deliver all subjects effectively.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.