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Pupils appreciate the calm, orderly and focused ethos across the school. The school's 'WORKS' values are lived by pupils daily. High behavioural expectations are set.
These are met consistently. Pupils' conduct is very positive. Behaviour is very good.
Pupils are polite and respectful. Bullying is rare. Staff deal with it appropriately when it occurs.
Staff have high expectations of what pupils can learn and achieve. Pupils learn well and achieve highly. They apply themselves well.
They take their learning seriously. They take pride in their work and successes. Pupils are safe.
They know who to turn to if they have any worries. Pastoral care... is very strong.
Junior department pupils get off to a great start.
They especially value music learning and how staff care for them. Sixth-form students appreciate the support they receive. They are proud of the school.
They are positive role models for younger pupils. Sixth-form students benefit from exceptional provision.
The vast majority of parents and carers are very pleased with the school's provision.
They value the school's inclusive and supportive culture. They recognise the school's many strengths, including the extensive range of experiences provided for pupils' personal development. These personal development opportunities are exceptional.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school is very well led and managed. Leaders lead with a strong moral purpose. They have high expectations of pupils' learning, attitudes and behaviour.
Overwhelmingly, staff say that they are proud to work at the school. They have high aspirations for all pupils. They are committed to, and make a positive difference in, pupils' lives.
Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum that is broad and deep in its range of subjects across Years 3 to 13. Well-planned and ambitious subject curriculums are in place. Leaders give considerable thought to the planning of subject curriculums.
Staff carefully build pupils' learning over time. For example, the mathematics curriculum builds and revisits learning systematically. Pupils gain mathematical knowledge and fluency.
They skilfully learn to apply their knowledge and reason mathematically. They build deep understanding of complex mathematical concepts over time. In music, pupils benefit from a highly ambitious curriculum that is suitably demanding for all, including pupils with an aptitude for music.
Pupils build theoretical music knowledge and skills excellently.
Teachers are experts in the subjects that they teach. They skilfully question and check pupils' learning over time.
They quickly identify and address errors and misconceptions in pupils' learning. Teachers use resources effectively. Pupils have positive attitudes, relish challenge and enjoy learning.
They gain considerable knowledge, depth of understanding and skills in all subjects. Pupils achieve highly, as seen in the 2023 published outcomes for pupils at the end of key stages 2 and 4 and for sixth-form students.
The school has gone through a period of change in its provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
A small minority of parents recognise this. Leaders are further improving processes to identify these pupils so that the needs of all pupils with SEND are fully catered for. The school is refining its provision to meet these pupils' needs.
Teachers and support staff are adept in adapting teaching and supporting pupils. For example, staff skilfully enable pupils with SEND to access the same learning as their peers. Staff benefit from ongoing training to build this provision further.
The school sets notably high expectations of sixth-form students. Pastoral care is strong. Students value the excellent support offered.
They apply themselves purposefully. They appreciate and meet the school's high expectations. Students are taught excellently by knowledgeable and skilled staff.
Students are very well prepared for their next steps in education, training or work.
Personal development is outstanding. Pupils have opportunities to develop a mature understanding of physical and mental health and of healthy relationships.
They learn to appreciate British values and the importance of diversity and equality. Opportunities to deepen pupils' spiritual and moral development are exceptional. Pupils are very well prepared for life in Britain.
Careers provision is very strong. Pupils gain from excellent work-related learning opportunities. They receive appropriate advice and guidance.
They are very well prepared for their next steps.
The school provides extensive extra-curricular activities. Pupils gain from many memorable experiences, including trips and visits.
They cherish the leadership roles available, such as being sports leaders and being part of the sixth-form leadership team. Pupils' opinions are valued. For example, pupils helped to develop the school's diversity charter.
Leaders strive to build on the school's high-quality provision. They strategically focus on what needs to be enhanced. The trust provides appropriate support and challenge.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The school has improved its provision for pupils with SEND in the last year. However, the school has not wholly consolidated its processes to identify the needs of all pupils with SEND.
The school has not fully embedded provision for pupils with SEND across the main school. Consequently, not all pupils with SEND receive the very highest quality provision. The school should ensure that these pupils' needs are fully identified and that provision enables all pupils with SEND to gain the very best learning possible.