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This is a good provider Leaders, managers and governors have rectified successfully most of the weaknesses that were identified at the previous inspection. Governance is effective. Governors have a good range of skills that have enabled them to support the improvement of the college's financial position and the quality of education and training.
Since the previous inspection, leaders, managers and tutors have worked relentlessly to improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is now good. Learners and apprentices develop good personal, social and employability skills that support them effectively in their learning and training. .../> Most progress to meaningful and relevant destinations related to their studies. Overall achievement rates have improved over the past three years across the whole provision. There has been a significant improvement in the number of apprentices who complete their programmes within their planned timeframes.
Leaders, governors and managers work highly effectively with employers and other partners to ensure that the curriculum meets local and regional needs and skills priorities. The principal and staff have continued to nurture the culture of inclusion across the college. Staff, learners and apprentices embrace and promote equality of opportunity and celebrate diversity.
Learners' and apprentices' behaviour is exemplary. They display mutual tolerance and respect towards each other, staff and visitors. Learners and apprentices benefit from an extensive range of learning resources and specialist accommodation, including industry-standard equipment.
Attendance rates, although improved, are not yet high enough, particularly in English and mathematics lessons. Improvement strategies have not yet brought about a rapid enough improvement for all learners and in all subjects. The self-assessment process requires further development for it to be a useful improvement tool.
Tutors do not challenge a minority of the most able learners sufficiently in lessons to help them make the progress of which they are capable. Qualification outcomes for learners on GCSE English and mathematics courses remain too low.
Information about the provider
Oldham College specialises in offering technical and professional education and training for learners and apprentices aged 16 and above.
It provides courses in a wide range of subject areas, from entry level to advanced level, and apprenticeships that align to local and regional needs and skills priorities. Oldham College serves the local community of Oldham. Levels of deprivation across the borough are ranked among the highest in the country.
The college's cohort is socio-economically and culturally diverse, with over two thirds of its learners being from the most deprived areas. The college has learners from over 50 countries with almost half of the college population coming from minority ethnic backgrounds. The age profile of the population of the town is younger than the United Kingdom average, with 34.
2% of its working-age population in the 25- to 44-year-old age group. The number of learners in Oldham's schools achieving five GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (previously A* to C), including both English and mathematics, although improving, is below the national rate. Just under half of all 16- to 18-year-old learners enter the college without having achieved qualifications in English and mathematics, with only a quarter having achieved high grades in these subjects at GCSE.