The Orion Primary School

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About The Orion Primary School

Name The Orion Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Chris Flathers
Address Grahame Park Way, London, NW7 2AL
Phone Number 02082059324
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 978
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and proud to attend this school. They receive a high-quality education and achieve extremely well.

Pupils benefit from a rich programme of personal development, which helps to develop their resilience and confidence. Pupils participate in an extraordinary range of opportunities beyond the curriculum. The school ensures that there are no barriers to what pupils can achieve.

This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

From an early age, pupils learn to cooperate with each other and respect others. In the early years, staff make sure that children understand and follow clear routines.

For example, the...y learn to listen, take turns and to persevere when a task is difficult. Incidents of bullying are very rare. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They are polite and well mannered.

Pupils care for each other and are keen to take on different leadership roles. For example, pupils act as 'kindness champions' to support younger pupils playing games in the playground.

Pupils are encouraged to share their worries with staff. Staff respond promptly to individual concerns. This helps pupils to feel safe in school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders, including those responsible for governance, are crystal clear about their vision. In line with this, they work together to make the school 'happy, harmonious and hopeful' so that every child has the chance to shine. The highly ambitious curriculum combines academic study with a broad range of exciting experiences.

Staff have a deep knowledge of the curriculum. They know precisely what pupils need to learn and remember over time. Staff have subject expertise and are supported through their staff training to deliver the curriculum exceptionally well.

Staff regularly check pupils' understanding in lessons and make sure that no pupils are left behind. Staff are quick to rectify any misconceptions and gaps in pupils' knowledge. Their guidance ensures that pupils gain an in-depth understanding of the topics and subjects that they study.

Pupils are very well prepared for the next steps in their education.

The school prioritises reading. Pupils access a rich range of texts across the curriculum.

They are happy to share their love of reading and explain how they read widely and often. Children in the early years learn to read as soon as they start school and enjoy a rich variety of songs, stories and rhymes. Pupils at the early stages of learning to read use books that match the sounds they know.

This ensures that pupils can build up their confidence and fluency in reading. Through the school's 'Word Up' programme, pupils develop their vocabulary and discussions skills. Skilful interventions and support from staff ensure that pupils who find reading more difficult catch up quickly.

The school has high expectations of pupils, including those with SEND and pupils in the additionally resourced provision. Staff identify pupils' needs accurately and put personalised support in place. This begins in the Nursery Year, with clear communication between the school, parents and carers and a wide range of professionals who provide specialist support.

This ensures that pupils with SEND get the support that they need as early as possible. Consequently, they flourish, achieve well and participate fully in school life.

Pupils take pride in their work and behave exceptionally well.

Leaders work with parents to encourage high attendance rates. Pupils are polite and their responsible behaviour contributes to the calm and purposeful atmosphere around the school.

The school promotes equality and values diversity.

Pupils are taught about the importance of tolerance and respect. Various activities are on offer to help broaden pupils' cultural understanding. For example, pupils visit art galleries and experience live music and performances in the school's theatre.

Pupils support others through charitable initiatives. These experiences, and many more besides, ensure that pupils are fully prepared for life in modern society.

The school considers the workload and well-being of staff when making decisions.

Staff and governors are dedicated to children, pupils and families in the community. Governors provide highly effective support and challenge to school leaders. Staff are proud to work at the school.

Parents could not praise the school enough. Many described the school as 'fantastic'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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