The Pilgrim School

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About The Pilgrim School

Name The Pilgrim School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr S Barnes
Address Carrington Drive, Lincoln, LN6 0DE
Phone Number 01522682319
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 4-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 4
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school. Most groups of pupils make good progress. More-able pupils make outstanding progress.

Many pupils at Key Stage 3 successfully return to their mainstream schools. At the end of Year 11, most pupils enter further education because the school prepares them well for the next stage of their education. Teaching is good and sometimes outstanding.

Teachers have high expectations of learning and use every opportunity to extend pupils' thinking in lessons. Relationships between staff and pupils are excellent. Pupils know how to stay safe and their behaviour is outstanding.

Many pupils make excellent progress in their behaviour and attenda...nce. Pupils' positive attitudes to learning enable them to make good progress. Good leadership and management have enabled the school to make good progress since its last inspection.

Senior leaders have ensured teaching continues to improve, and have developed an outstanding curriculum which has a positive impact on learning and pupils' well-being. The governing body oversees the work of the school effectively and supports leaders in sustaining good teaching and achievement. It is not yet an outstanding school because : A few pupils with a statement of special educational needs do not make as much progress as their classmates.

This is because : information about their prior attainment is not always used well enough to match tasks to their level of ability. Teachers do not always inform pupils of their next steps for learning or how to improve their spelling, punctuation and grammar when their books are marked. Subject leaders are not yet monitoring the impact of teaching on the learning of all groups of pupils.

information about their prior attainment is not

always used well enough to match tasks to their level of ability. Teachers do not always inform pupils of their next steps for learning or how to improve their spelling, punctuation and grammar when their books are marked. Subject leaders are not yet monitoring the impact of teaching on the learning of all groups of pupils.

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