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The Priory Academy LSST has very high expectations of what all pupils can achieve.
There is an aspirational culture in the school that is shared by staff and pupils. Pupils are challenged to be the best they can be. They rise to the challenge, and most achieve well.
Beyond the academic, the school supports pupils' wider personal development exceptionally well. Pupils are very well prepared for their next steps in education and their future lives.
The school provides a very broad range of extra-curricular activities.
Many pupils take part in clubs that stretch their talents and interests in sport and creative arts. This includes disadvantaged pupils a...nd those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). A large number of pupils are proud to be part of the Combined Cadet Force or achieve in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme.
Sixth-form students enthusiastically take on responsibilities to support the school community. They proudly fulfil roles such as those of prefects and sports leaders. Many act as academic mentors to younger pupils.
The vast majority of pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards all aspects of school life. There is a strong pastoral system that supports pupils' well-being. Pupils say that they feel safe in the school.
They trust that staff will provide support if they need it.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a very ambitious curriculum. The curriculum is designed to support all pupils to gain the knowledge and cultural capital they need to pursue their aspirations.
In key stage 3, pupils study the full range of subjects. In key stages 4 and 5, pupils choose from a very broad range of options. Almost all pupils study GCSE courses that make up the English Baccalaureate.
At every stage, the curriculum is sequenced well, so that pupils build knowledge and deepen their understanding over time.
In the sixth form, the demanding curriculum provides students with a strong depth of knowledge. Students receive exceptional academic and pastoral support that prepares them very well for their next steps.
Many go on to aspirational destinations.
The school ensures that all subjects are taught by knowledgeable, specialist teachers. In the majority of lessons, teachers explain concepts clearly.
They check pupils' understanding often and provide useful feedback to address any misconceptions. There are many opportunities for pupils to revisit topics they have learned before and to make links with new knowledge. Lesson activities are well planned to ensure that pupils learn the important knowledge and develop skills.
Staff adapt lessons effectively so that pupils with SEND can access the curriculum in full. In these lessons, pupils thrive. They produce high-quality work and remember what they have learned.
In a small number of lessons, the delivery of the curriculum is not consistent. Sometimes, explanations are unclear. Routines for checking what pupils have learned are not firmly established in all lessons.
This means that gaps in pupils' understanding are not always identified. Sometimes, pupils do not get feedback that helps them to progress quickly. In some lessons, pupils with SEND do not receive effective support.
There is a sharp focus on language and communication in the curriculum. Pupils learn subject-specific vocabulary so that they can discuss and write about what they are learning. Pupils read often and make use of a well-stocked library.
The school provides effective support for pupils who need extra help with reading.
Most pupils attend school well. The school is calm and orderly.
In lessons and at social times, pupils are polite and get along well with each other and staff. There are well-established routines in place to support pupils to behave well. Pupils are keen to learn and try hard in almost all lessons.
Disruptions to learning are rare. Sixth-form students are resilient. They show remarkably positive attitudes towards learning and all aspects of school life.
Pupils' personal development is very well supported by an excellent curriculum for personal, social and health education. Through well-planned lessons, assemblies and 'awareness days', pupils learn about British values, and equality and diversity. Pupils are knowledgeable and discuss these themes maturely and thoughtfully.
Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe and healthy. The school provides excellent support for pupils' mental health. All pupils, including those with SEND, take part in a range of interesting extra-curricular activities to complete their 'enrichment passport'.
The school prepares pupils exceptionally well for their future careers. All pupils benefit from high-quality guidance from a range of external providers, such as colleges, universities and employers. Pupils appreciate this.
They are very well informed and talk confidently about their ambitions for the future. In the sixth form, students receive high-quality, personalised support to help them identify, and prepare for, ambitious university courses and careers.
Staff are proud to work at the school.
They work well together to support the school's high expectations. The school helps staff to manage their workload and supports their well-being. Many staff enjoy opportunities to develop their subject knowledge further and share their expertise with other schools.
The school is well supported by the multi-academy trust. Trust leaders, trustees and governors know the school well. They provide effective support and challenge to the school and fulfil their statutory duties.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The implementation of the curriculum is not wholly consistent. In some lessons, routines are not firmly embedded for checking pupils' understanding or providing useful feedback to pupils.
Sometimes, lessons are not adapted well enough to meet the needs of all learners. This means that pupils, including those with SEND, do not reliably learn new knowledge as securely as they might. The school needs to ensure that the ambitious curriculum is delivered consistently well.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.