The St Faith and St Martin Church of England Junior School, Lincoln

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About The St Faith and St Martin Church of England Junior School, Lincoln

Name The St Faith and St Martin Church of England Junior School, Lincoln
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Martin Kyle
Address Hampton Street, Lincoln, LN1 1LW
Phone Number 01522528063
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 345
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders and staff want the absolute best for all pupils. They embrace the school motto, 'We are a team that achieves amazing things every day.' Pupils look forward to going to school.

Their attendance is excellent. Pupils know that staff care for them greatly and work hard to make every moment in school memorable. Pupils feel welcome and safe in school.

Pupils have exceptional experiences at this school. They work with local artists and historians, sing in the choir, go on residential trips to Robin Wood and take part in Irish dancing club. The opportunities are endless!

Pupils work really hard.

Parents and carers told us that their children, 'just ...want to make Mr Kyle proud.' And they do. Pupils behave exceptionally well.

They told us that they are 'like a family'. They love and care for each other. They do not worry about bullying.

They understand that they need to uphold the school's values, such as responsibility. They do this by caring for the school chicken, 'Nugget', and by singing for the elderly at the Age UK Christmas party.

Pupils get a good quality of education that keeps getting better and better.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and governors are an outstanding team. They lead the school with integrity and a desire to do the very best for all pupils. They work tirelessly to improve the curriculum and pupils' achievement over time.

They know what they need to do next to secure and embed an outstanding quality of education across all subjects.

Leaders want all pupils to read fluently and enjoy the books they read. Pupils relish borrowing books from the new class libraries.

Teachers read stories to pupils every day. We saw pupils hanging onto every word and gasping in suspense as the teacher read 'A Place Called Perfect'. Teachers deliver effective reading lessons.

They teach pupils to read and understand new words and language. One pupil told us that the word 'coprolite' meant 'fossilised poo'. Leaders work hard to make sure that younger pupils who struggle to read receive phonics catch-up sessions.

There is more work to be done to ensure that these pupils can read fluently. Some of the books they read are too demanding.

The teaching of religious education (RE) is excellent.

Leaders know what they want pupils to learn and by when. Pupils achieve very well. They have a strong understanding of Christianity and Islam.

Leaders support pupils' understanding using trips. For example, pupils recently visited Lincoln mosque to meet the imam and learn about wudu, a washing ritual. Pupils are encouraged to be reflective and spiritual.

They plant spring bulbs and care for them as they grow. This helps them to understand values, such as patience and respect.

Leaders have set out precisely what they want pupils to learn in mathematics, science, history and geography.

For example, in history, Year 6 pupils learn about World War One. They study how the war began, before moving on to think about the impact of the war on farming in Lincolnshire and the start of food rationing. Teachers deliver highly effective lessons in these subjects.

Pupils' knowledge builds year on year. Older pupils told us about what they could remember learning in geography. They talked about their knowledge of the 'outer core of the Earth', how 'tectonic plates crash together to make fold mountains' and about the impact of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

Teachers teach good lessons in art and design and technology. Pupils really enjoy these subjects. However, their knowledge and skills do not always build effectively over time in design and technology.

The quality of some older pupils' work could be better.

Staff have excellent relationships with pupils. There is an exceptionally strong sense of mutual respect throughout the school.

Because of this, pupils listen attentively and have positive attitudes to learning. We saw no lessons interrupted by low-level disruption. Pupils want to learn and achieve their dreams and ambitions.

Leaders make sure that the school is highly inclusive. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get a great deal. They receive personalised support in lessons, such as extra help from adults or adapted learning resources.

Leaders want these pupils to achieve as highly as others. Pupils with SEND are fully included in school life. They love school.

They particularly enjoy school clubs and musical performances.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders prioritise pupils' safety and well-being.

They have highly effective systems in place to keep pupils safe from harm. Staff are well trained in safeguarding and first aid. They can spot the signs that indicate that a pupil may be at risk of abuse.

They know how to report these concerns. Leaders act upon these quickly to ensure that pupils and families get the right help and support.

Pupils get good support in school.

They told us about the 'worry monsters' they have in each class. They use these to discuss their worries. They spoke about the help they get from mental health first aiders if they feel anxious.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The school's phonics programme is not yet embedded. The books that some pupils read are not well matched to the phonics they have been taught. Some younger pupils are not able to decode words accurately or fluently enough.

Leaders should refine their expectations of what phonics knowledge pupils should achieve each term. Teachers should make sure that younger pupils read books that are well matched to the phonics knowledge they already have. .

Some knowledge taught within the curriculum for design and technology is not as well sequenced as it could be. This knowledge does not always build on what pupils already know and can do. Leaders should ensure that they refine this knowledge and make sure that older pupils receive demanding work so they can achieve more highly.

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