The Stoke Poges School

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About The Stoke Poges School

Name The Stoke Poges School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Liz Astley
Address Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, Slough, SL2 4LN
Phone Number 01753643319
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 425
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils become confident and resilient learners at this inclusive and aspirational school.

They behave well and show respect and kindness to one another. Pupils understand the school's values. They embrace these values to help them make good choices, meeting the high expectations leaders have for them.

Pupils love coming to school each day. They are excited about using the newly refurbished library and the new 'STEAM' cabin for their practical lessons. Pupils say that their pastoral support staff, Fred the school dog and other adults in school all help them to feel happy and safe.

This school is ambitious for all pupils to do well and achieve their best. Adult...s set clear expectations for learning and most pupils rise to meet these expectations. They work hard in lessons and achieve well, especially in reading and mathematics.

Diversity is encouraged, explored and celebrated. Pupils enjoy learning about each other's beliefs and experiences. They know that everyone is equal and that their opinions matter.

Pupils enjoy attending a range of extra-curricular clubs such as the choir, orchestra and sports clubs. Pupils benefit from a range of enrichment activities, such as visiting museums and meeting farm animals as part of their learning in science.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has recently reviewed and further developed the curriculum.

Across the subjects, there are well-structured, logically sequenced plans that help pupils to learn and remember more over time. For example, in mathematics, pupils incrementally build on previous learning in a very carefully considered way. However, in a small number of subjects, important knowledge has not been identified precisely enough.

Here, pupils do not always learn as well as they could because they do not have the building blocks of knowledge firmly in place.

The broad curriculum helps pupils understand a range of different topics. Teachers have strong subject knowledge.

The school provides staff with regular training that helps them to improve their teaching further. Staff explain ideas thoughtfully and plan activities meticulously. In mathematics, for example, pupils use helpful resources that help them to gain a deep understanding of fractions.

Teachers regularly check pupils' learning and address any misconceptions before moving on to more complex ideas. This means that pupils achieve well, in many cases exceeding national expectations.

Reading is at the heart of the school's life and curriculum.

The phonics programme is taught well. Pupils acquire reading skills quickly. Regular assessments are used to check that pupils are on track with their reading.

Support is provided where needed. Books are given a high priority in the school's revised curriculum. Key texts have been chosen with great care and opportunities for pupils to read are threaded throughout the curriculum.

At the end of the day, pupils enjoy the stories read to them by staff. The 'secret' readers in the Reception class captivate pupils and promote their excitement about reading.

The school identifies pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) promptly and accurately.

Most pupils with SEND learn the curriculum successfully alongside their peers. However, support for pupils is not always identified precisely enough. While teachers generally adapt lessons well to meet pupils' needs, this is not consistently the case.

Pupils have a positive attitude to their learning. They take pride in the quality of their work. Pupils show respect for one another.

This starts in the Reception class, where children share resources and help each other willingly. Pupils understand the importance of attending school regularly and working hard in lessons. The school's sensitive and effective work with parents is promoting and achieving even better attendance than the high standards achieved in the past.

The school is ambitious about developing pupils' characters so they become kind and responsible citizens. It helps pupils to explore the curriculum more broadly through visits to places of national interest, such as the Houses of Parliament. Pupils widen their interests through attending the many after-school clubs on offer.

Pupils are taught about diversity. They know the fundamental British values and their importance in modern Britain. They learn about different religions, building respect and acceptance of others' beliefs and views.

In assemblies, pupils are invited to engage with topical issues, considering the social and moral implications from different points of view.

Leaders at all levels have driven successful changes to improve the school. Parents appreciate the way in which they are increasingly included in school life.

Governors provide strong support to the school. Workload and well-being are managed successfully to ensure that staff feel happy and proud to be part of the school community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the most important knowledge and skills that pupils need to remember over time are not identified clearly enough. This means that some pupils do not always build on their prior knowledge and learn as well as they could. The school should ensure that the curriculum in all subjects specifies the essential knowledge pupils must secure before moving on to their next steps.

The support for a few pupils with SEND is not planned precisely enough. This means that a small minority of pupils are not making as much progress as they could be. The school needs to ensure that the expectations for pupils are clearly set out so that staff consistently make effective provision for all pupils.

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