The Tiffin Girls’ School

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About The Tiffin Girls’ School

Name The Tiffin Girls’ School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Ian Keary
Address Richmond Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 5PL
Phone Number 02085460773
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1236
Local Authority Kingston upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive here.

Leaders and staff work together to give pupils every possible opportunity to do well and enjoy their education.

As one pupil typically said, 'School culture is everything here.' Pupils take to heart the core values of community, love of learning and character.

They organise fundraising events and are active citizens in the local community. For example, pupils visit local care homes and support primary school pupils in their learning.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They respect and support each other. Pupils appreciate the hard work of their teachers and take their learning seriously. They share the high aspirations of le...aders and staff.

Pupils feel safe. They know that if they have any worries, staff will listen to them. On the rare occasions when there is any bullying, staff deal with it promptly.

Pupils take great pride in their school. They make the most of their time here and immerse themselves in school life. Lunchtimes and after school are a hive of activity as pupils attend the vast range of clubs run by staff and other pupils.

There is something for everyone, from gardening and origami, to mythology and philosophy.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders maintain high academic standards and provide a curriculum that extends far beyond academic study. Pupils flourish, both academically and personally.

All pupils study a broad range of subjects in depth from Years 7 to 11. Sixth-form students have a wide choice of subjects. They pursue subjects based on their interests as well as potential careers.

Expectations of all pupils are high. Pupils rise to the challenges of their work and have a hunger for knowledge. Inspectors overheard pupils continuing their class discussions and debates at break and lunchtime.

Pupils draw on their previous learning to help them understand new concepts. They show an excellent understanding of what they have been taught and talk confidently about their learning.

Teachers are experts in their specialisms.

They know how to get the best from their pupils. Staff consider carefully what is taught and when, so that pupils build up knowledge and skills. For example, in history, pupils in Years 9 and 10 learn about the Treaty of Versailles and its impact in Germany and Europe.

In Year 12 A-level history, students study the economic, social and political consequences for the Weimar Republic in greater depth.

Staff are adept at adapting learning to suit pupils' needs, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders make sure these pupils are identified and get additional support.

Staff are quick to spot any pupils at risk of falling behind and put measures in place to help them keep up. For example, selected pupils receive extra help with reading and writing in key stage 3. Pupils achieve exceptionally high standards in all their subjects.

This includes disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND.

Pupils come to lessons ready to learn. They are focused in class and pay close attention.

Lessons are calm and free from disruption. Typically, pupils are avid readers and make full use of the well-stocked library. They talk eloquently about books they have read, from classical literature to modern fiction.

The school provides pupils with an extensive range of clubs and activities. Pupils take part with energy and enthusiasm. They record what activities they have done, and staff ensure that pupils access a variety of clubs to broaden their horizons.

Music, art, drama and sport have high profiles. Pupils perform in various concerts and inter-school competitions.

Pupils relish taking up the many leadership responsibilities on offer, for example, through the school council, house system, and the 'eco initiatives'.

Schemes such as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award and Young Enterprise are very popular.

Leaders have a well-established careers programme. Pupils receive talks from a wide range of employers and apprenticeship providers.

They are encouraged to visit universities and find out about the range of courses on offer. COVID-19 has recently interrupted some of this work. Work experience in Years 11 and 13 is highly successful.

Sixth-form students are extremely well prepared for higher education and employment.

Staff receive high-quality training, including those who are new to teaching. Staff continually review and refine their practice.

For example, staff have used research-led projects to focus on and boost equality and diversity. Staff feel valued. Leaders listen to staff and do their best to make workload manageable.

Leaders contribute to the wider local community through working with other local schools to share exemplary practice. In the survey, parents and carers made a point of expressing their strong support for the school's leaders.

Governors have a very clear picture of the school's work.

They challenge school leaders and rigorously check the impact of their actions. Governors carry out their work and responsibilities thoroughly.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff are well trained to identify pupils at risk of harm. They take any concern seriously and make sure pupils get the right support. Pupils know who to turn to if they need help.

They are aware of risks to their safety. They know how to recognise and what to do should they experience sexual harassment or online abuse. Pupils felt they could talk openly to staff about any issues.

Pupils' mental health is a priority for leaders. Staff are alert to the pressures that pupils can face. Pupils are taught how to manage stress and have various sources of support available to them, such as the school counselling service.

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