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Pupils thrive at this close-knit and inclusive school. This sense of belonging extends into the local community.
The core values of equality, dignity and respect are at the heart of William Amory Primary School. Pupils embody their message that 'everyone is welcome' both in the classroom and at breaktimes. The newly introduced 'kindness card' is a popular reward that children seek to achieve.
Pupils achieve well. They are ready for the next stage of their learning.
Pupils who spoke to inspectors say they are safe.
Classrooms and breaktimes are calm and behaviour is good. Pupils say they feel confident to speak to staff about their concerns. They say ...that bullying is rare but if it does happen it is dealt with quickly.
Staff talk to pupils about their behaviour and help them to make sensible choices.
Leaders have high expectations for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Learning is complemented well through visits, trips and theme days at the local high school.
Strong relationships with the local church, music centre and theatre group allow pupils to showcase their talents in festivals and singing performances. There are a range of clubs from sports to sudoku and comic club. The school makes sure there is 'something for everyone'.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has devised a coherent and diverse curriculum. Clear thought has been given to what pupils need to know and by when. There is an emphasis on developing language and vocabulary from the early years.
The most important skills and knowledge are introduced, revisited and developed as pupils move through the school. This is particularly effective in mathematics. In most subjects pupils learn well.
However, there are times when teachers focus too much on the activity rather than the learning. Occasionally, this limits some pupils' understanding of the most important pieces of information they need to know.
The school has prioritised reading well.
Well-trained staff teach the phonics programme effectively. Pupils, including those in the early years, quickly learn the sounds that letters represent. Pupils who need extra support receive it promptly, helping them to keep up with their peers.
Pupils read books that are well matched to the sounds they have learned. Increasingly, pupils become confident and fluent readers at the end of key stage 1.
Teachers share books daily to help all pupils develop their love of reading.
Children in the early years know and enjoy many rhymes and songs. This has helped them to develop their speaking skills and enrich their vocabulary. Older pupils enjoy visits to the newly resourced library.
This, along with teachers' 'recommended reads' and regular visits to the local library, has encouraged pupils to read a wider range of books, written by a variety of authors.
Staff receive training that helps them to deliver the curriculum well. Staff regularly check what pupils know and remember from previous learning and address any gaps in knowledge.
The school identifies the additional needs of these pupils swiftly and accurately. Through a range of effective strategies and resources, pupils with SEND achieve well and are fully included in all aspects of school life.
Pupils behave well right from the start in the Nursery.
Clear routines and expectations mean pupils learn cooperatively alongside one another. Pupils attend school regularly and enjoy warm relationships with other pupils and staff. Four simple rules promoting good behaviour are understood and followed.
Pupils know they are important to follow, in their words, 'so that everyone can learn and be happy'. Pupils strive to win behaviour points to receive a note home or become 'star of the week'.
Pupils experience a range of opportunities that enhance their personal development.
Pupils learn what a 'healthy relationship' is, what they can do to keep themselves safe online and how to maintain healthy lifestyles. For example, children in the Reception class designed a 'healthy meal plate' and could talk knowledgeably about how they made their choices. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Pupils talk respectfully about different cultures and lifestyles. They have first-hand experience of democracy, such as by creating their own manifestos to become school councillors. Pupils also benefit from undertaking school responsibilities such as those of 'playground buddies' and 'eco-councillors'.
Staff morale is high. All staff agree that leaders, including governors, are highly considerate of their workload and well-being. They are very appreciative of the training they receive to carry out their roles effectively.
All staff, including those responsible for governance, share a sense of purpose and energy to help everyone 'to be the best that they can be.' The majority of parents who contributed their opinions were positive about the school and typically commented that pupils were happy and settled.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a small number of subjects, the activities given within lessons do not fully support the intended learning. This hinders pupils being able to learn as well as they could. The school should ensure that it continues to support all staff so that it is clear what all pupils should learn and that the curriculum delivery is consistently effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.