Theddlethorpe Academy

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About Theddlethorpe Academy

Name Theddlethorpe Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Rachel Clarke
Address Mill Road, Theddlethorpe, Mablethorpe, LN12 1PB
Phone Number 01507353458
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 92
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff help pupils to be well prepared for their next steps in education. The values of pride, achievement, confidence and effort are woven through school life. Pupils know and respect these values.

Pupils enjoy attending school. They have positive relationships with staff and treat adults and one another with respect. Staff help pupils to think about their mental health and well-being.

Pupils enjoy 'chat and chill' sessions and a mindfulness club. Pupils feel safe. They would confidently share any worries they have with staff.

Par...ents and carers who shared their views hold the school in high regard. One parent said that staff provide their child with 'patience, understanding and encouragement'.

Leaders have ensured that all pupils can access wider opportunities.

Pupils take part in archery, sports club and craft club. They visit local churches connected to their study of religious education. Pupils hear from visiting speakers such as a Michelin star chef and a filmmaker.

Pupils benefit from opportunities to contribute to the community. They raise money for charity following the visit of a Paralympian. They appeared on television as part of Children in Need.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum. They have ensured that staff know what pupils should learn and in what order. Leaders have set out the topics that pupils will study in each subject, so that it is possible for pupils to link their learning over time.

In some subjects, such as history, pupils are able to recall and connect their learning confidently. In other subjects, pupils remember what they have studied recently. They are less secure in their recall of what they have learned before that.

In the early years, the well-organised curriculum ensures that children develop the skills and knowledge they need to be ready for key stage 1.

Teachers work hard to make learning interesting. For example, pupils learn about science by looking for the features of the seasons outside the classroom.

Older pupils design their own experiments to think about forces, such as gravity. Teachers check pupils' understanding. They ask questions and provide help as pupils complete work independently.

On occasion, teachers do not ensure that they use what they know about pupils' understanding to move learning on at the most appropriate point.

Children in the early years get off to a good start. Staff share important knowledge with children in a way that is easy to understand.

They encourage children to follow routines to keep themselves healthy and comfortable.

Pupils begin to learn to read as soon as they start school. They enjoy reading.

Leaders have ensured that pupils read books matched to the sounds they know. Pupils take books home to improve the speed of their reading. Those who need extra help are quickly identified and supported to improve the accuracy of their reading.

Pupils are proud to share their knowledge of terms, such as prosody. They explain that this means reading with expression.

Pupils with SEND are promptly identified.

Teachers work out which strategies will best help pupils with SEND to develop their understanding. Leaders ensure that parents and pupils have their voices heard at review meetings. Leaders visit lessons and check work to ensure that pupils with SEND are getting the support they need and that this support is having a positive impact.

Pupils focus on the learning in lessons. They complete tasks and take pride in their work. Pupils say that, when there is occasional disruption to learning, teachers deal with it well.

Leaders have catered well for pupils' personal development. Pupils learn about healthy relationships, money and careers. Teachers make sure that pupils have opportunities to discuss and debate important issues.

Pupils in one class held a debate about the age of criminal responsibility. Pupils learn about a diverse range of people and cultures. In music lessons, pupils consider the life and work of Bessie Smith.

Pupils vote for class representatives and the school council suggests changes to improve pupils' experience of school. Throughout their time in the school, beginning in the early years, pupils learn about respecting difference.

Leaders work with their colleagues in other primary schools in the trust.

They share ideas about curriculum planning before reaching their own decisions in the interests of pupils in this school. Leaders ensure that staff complete training to improve their practice. Staff say they feel well supported by leaders.

They are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff complete annual safeguarding training and receive weekly updates.

Leaders check the impact of this training through discussion and quizzes. Staff know how to report concerns. Leaders keep detailed records of safeguarding incidents and the actions they have taken to keep pupils safe.

They refer concerns to wider agencies when necessary.

Pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe, including online. They know not to share passwords or private information and to tell an adult if they have a concern.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority) ? In some subjects, pupils are not always able to recall learning from previous topics, terms and academic years. This means that pupils do not routinely have the opportunity to connect their knowledge over time and to deepen their understanding. Leaders should ensure that teachers make the most effective use of strategies to help pupils recall and connect their learning over time.

• On occasion, having identified misconceptions or pupils' existing understanding, teachers do not address those misconceptions or move pupils' learning on. As a result, pupils are sometimes left confused or without the opportunity to deepen their understanding. Leaders should ensure that teachers know best how to use their understanding of pupils' existing knowledge to secure pupils' understanding fully and move learning on at the most appropriate point.

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