Thomas Jones Primary School

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About Thomas Jones Primary School

Name Thomas Jones Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Sellens
Address St Mark’s Road, London, W11 1RQ
Phone Number 02077271423
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 234
Local Authority Kensington and Chelsea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Thomas Jones is a calm oasis where pupils thrive. Pupils arrive at school smiling and eager to find out what their day has in store for them.

The warm welcome they receive reflects the caring and nurturing relationships that pupils experience throughout the day. Similarly, visitors are made to feel warmly welcome in the way that pupils greet them with a handshake and introduce themselves. Pupils proudly share which year group 'scholar' they are and their aspirations for the future.

Leaders' vision is to ensure that the pupils here are safe and to ignite in pupils a sense of joy in learning. This vision is realised. Staff are highly ambitious for what pupils can achiev...e.

Pupils are diligent in lessons. They take their learning very seriously. This commitment and enjoyment of their learning is reflected in pupils' very high attendance.

All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve exceptionally well across the curriculum.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They are polite, articulate and well mannered.

At social times, pupils play happily together. They enjoy the range of equipment and activities available, such as chess where pupils arrange their own tournaments.

The provision for pupils' personal development is impressive in its breadth and quality.

Pupils are not only well prepared for life in modern Britain but are also given the tools they need to succeed and fulfil their goals for the future.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The academic and personal development of each and every pupil is a priority. The school's curriculum is carefully designed to ensure that all pupils achieve very well across all subjects.

The curriculum matches, and, in some areas, exceeds, the ambition of the national curriculum. It sets out the important knowledge that pupils should learn at each stage. Staff's expertise and subject knowledge mean that the planned learning enables pupils to remember with fluency what they are being taught.

They confidently recall knowledge and skills using subject-specific vocabulary to describe what they have learned. Pupils are able to make meaningful links across their learning. For example, in history, pupils responded adeptly to demanding questions where they discussed the transformative impact of the Second World War on women's roles.

This sparked an in-depth discussion about stereotypes, and pupils were encouraged to draw and reflect purposefully on what they had been taught through the personal development curriculum.

Teachers regularly check what pupils know and can do. This means that any gaps in learning or misconceptions are identified and addressed.

No pupil is left to fall behind. Pupils with SEND have lessons and activities adapted effectively to help them overcome barriers to learning. Each pupil's additional needs are acutely understood.

As a result, pupils with SEND successfully learn the same curriculum alongside their peers.

Children get off to a flying start in the early years. The curriculum places a strong emphasis on developing children's basic skills.

Through daily routines and using songs and nursery rhymes, staff develop children's communication and language, and understanding of number, very well. Children in the early years are supported exceptionally well to manage their own emotions, as well as empathise with others. Staff model and guide the children most effectively, instilling values of mutual care and responsibility towards one another.

A passion for reading and literature permeates every aspect of school life. Pupils are surrounded by and immersed in books and stories, which are proudly displayed everywhere. In turn, pupils develop a strong love of reading and older pupils enjoy learning about and reading classic literature.

Pupils are taught to read through daily, systematic phonics sessions. These sessions provide opportunities for pupils to practise and rehearse the sounds that letters make. Pupils read books that are closely matched to their phonics knowledge.

This helps them to become confident and fluent readers. Pupils that are falling behind are quickly identified, and extra support is put in place so that they can keep up with the phonics programme.

Pupils' wider development is at the heart of the school's curriculum.

Pupils have very positive attitudes to their learning and off-task behaviour in lessons is rare. The personal development curriculum teaches pupils to explore their feelings, emotions, relationships and their own well-being. Through this, pupils learn about valuing and celebrating difference.

They are taught that everyone has the right to be treated with respect. Pupils are also taught how to keep safe, including online. There are a wide range of clubs that pupils can attend, such as yoga, cookery, history and art.

Pupils enjoy immensely the regular opportunities to take part in musical events and sporting competitions. Many pupils get involved in helping the school community by taking on roles of responsibility, such as a school council member, librarian, litter picker or lunchtime monitor. Pupils take these roles very seriously and are proud of the work that they do.

The governing body, staff and parents and carers are very proud of their school. Relationships between families and the school are strong. This is a caring, inclusive community.

Pupils' attendance rates are very high, and the school is rigorous but supportive in following up on any concerns.

The governing body provides an effective balance of support and challenge. Staff feel valued.

This is reflected in the very stable staff team, with many members of staff having worked at the school for several years. Staff feel their workload and well-being are taken into consideration.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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