Thomson House School

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About Thomson House School

Name Thomson House School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Jackie Sanders
Address 27 Sheen Lane, London, SW14 8HY
Phone Number 02036082080
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 371
Local Authority Richmond upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. In two years leaders and governors have quickly established an outstanding school with high ambition and a strong sense of common purpose. The trustees' vision and core values of curiosity, kindness and courage are thoroughly embedded into the work of the school.

The quality of teaching is outstanding. Teachers have very high expectations, and enable children to achieve exceptionally well in all areas. Children are encouraged to be curious, because : the curriculum motivates them to do so.

The curriculum has a remarkable range of experiences that enrich and challenge children's learning and knowledge from the outset. School and governors are never complacent about children's achievement. All children make outstanding progress from their different starting points.

Attainment in reading, writing and mathematics is significantly above what is expected for pupils' age in Reception and Year 1. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, staff assess children frequently and accurately so that learning continually challenges their interests and abilities. Children's behaviour and attitudes are outstanding.

They work and play together very well. They actively engage in projects at home, locally and further afield to show responsibility and to develop a sense of community spirit. Leaders and governors ensure robust arrangements operate throughout the school to keep children safe.

The governing body are totally committed to ensuring the school is as good as it can be. They successfully use their own strategic and professional skills to drive the school's improvement with great passion and energy. Parents are effusive in their praise of the school's work, both academically and because of the care their children receive to help them become confident individuals.

Information about this school

This free school opened in September 2013 as part of Stamp Education Trust. The school vacated its first location, Vernon Road, in April 2015 to move to a permanent site on Sheen Lane. The former site will be refurbished in readiness for the first upper school classes in 2017.

Thomson House School is a much smaller than average school. Currently, in its second year, there are 104 children in two Reception classes and two Year 1 classes. All pupils attend full time.

The school's planned expansion will occur year-on-year until it reaches a capacity of 364 pupils in 2019. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is below average. The proportion of disabled pupils or those who have special educational needs is below average.

Pupils come from a range of ethnic backgrounds, the largest of which is White British. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils for whom the school receives the pupil premium funding is well below average. The pupil premium is additional government funding for pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals and looked-after children.

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