Thrybergh Academy

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About Thrybergh Academy

Name Thrybergh Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mr David Burnham
Address Park Lane, Rotherham, S65 4BP
Phone Number 01709850471
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 534
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils follow an ambitious curriculum. In most subjects, the curriculum is well planned.

The school has implemented improvements recently to ensure pupils acquire sufficient understanding and knowledge in each subject. However, in some subjects, the curriculum is delivered inconsistently. Pupils that have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are identified and in most cases, lessons are adapted to meet their needs.

Pupils are benefitting from recent improvements to the curriculum. The Trust has been instrumental in supporting the school to make these improvements.

The school cares about its pupils.

Pupils feel safe and the majority are h...appy. Bullying is rare. Pupils are encouraged to develop their life skills and citizenship.

The school ensures that all pupils have opportunities to experience a variety of different trips, clubs and cultural events.

The school has clear strategies to improve both attendance and attitudes to learning. For example, the school has introduced new approaches such as the 'Thrybergh Way' and 'Thrybergh Pledges' to build the character and values of pupils so that attitudes to learning improve.

Despite this, some pupils do not attend school regularly enough.

Pupil behaviour varies at this school. The majority of pupils behave well.

However, some pupils have not developed positive attitudes to learning. Their behaviour sometimes disrupts the learning of others.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has ensured that the curriculum is ambitious.

Most subjects are well planned and sequenced. In a minority of subjects, some curriculum content does not take account of prior learning and lacks challenge for pupils.

The quality of curriculum delivery in lessons is variable.

In some lessons, pupils develop a thorough understanding of what they are learning. In other lessons, pupils learn curriculum content at a superficial level. The school recognise this and is strengthening the programme of curriculum training and support.

The school has planned for suitable assessment of pupils' learning. Across the school, this planning is used inconsistently. Misconceptions sometimes remain uncorrected.

Some pupils are not clear about what they have learned or should have learned.

The school has prioritised reading in the curriculum. New strategies to develop a culture of reading across the school and to support the weakest readers are being introduced.

It is too early to see the impact of these strategies.The majority of pupils are polite and behave well in and out of lessons. Those who do not behave well cause low-level disruption in some lessons.

Teachers do not challenge this consistently well. The number of suspensions at the school remains high. These pupils miss too many lessons.

Their learning suffers. They are not making the progress of which they are capable.

Pupils' attendance is low.

A large proportion of pupils miss a significant number of lessons. These pupils make poor progress across the curriculum. Leaders are working closely with families to ensure all understand the importance of regular attendance at school.

The school encourages pupils to complete Thrybergh Pledges. The pledges challenge pupils to develop their life skills, cultural experiences and active citizenship. For example, pupils have opportunities to volunteer, undertake charity work, demonstrate independence and participate in extra-curricular activities.

They learn about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, different faiths and how to keep themselves safe. Although comprehensive, the personal development curriculum is in its infancy.

Pupils benefit from a careers programme which provides valuable work experience.

They have opportunities to consider the different training routes available post-16. The school offers a variety of funded clubs, activities and experiences to pupils. All pupils have the opportunity to participate, including those who are disadvantaged and those with SEND.

For example, pupils participate in outdoor climbing tournaments, boxing, theatre visits, rock bands and other activities to broaden their horizons. The school is keen to increase pupils' participation in extra-curricular activities.

The school has introduced new strategies to identify and support pupils who are disadvantaged, including those with SEND.

Teachers understand the specific needs of pupils. However, in some lessons, learning is not adapted consistently well to meet the needs of all pupils. The school is in the process of establishing a new specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND (specially resourced provision), specifically social, emotional and mental health needs.

Leaders have made significant progress in improving the school. There is a clear vision to support further improvement. The school has invested in training for staff.

Leaders support staff to manage their workload. Many new strategies to improve the school and work with parents and the local community have been started. These are in the early stages of development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There is too much variability in the quality of teaching and learning in lessons. As a result, in some subjects, pupils do not develop a thorough understanding of what they are learning.

Pupils have misconceptions that staff do not address quickly enough. The school should ensure that they provide the support and training that teachers need to enable them to deliver the planned curriculum effectively. ? Some pupils do not attend school regularly enough.

These pupils miss lessons and do not make as much progress through the curriculum as they should. The school should ensure that they continue to build strong relationships with families and that both school and families work together to improve attendance. ? Teachers do not challenge pupils' poor behaviour consistently well.

The number of suspensions for behavioural incidents is high. Low-level disruption impacts the progress that pupils make through the curriculum. The school should ensure that high expectations of pupils' behaviour are reinforced consistently in all lessons.

• Some pupils do not show the resilience, character and self-regulated behaviour that is appropriate for their age. This hinders the progress that they make in school. Leaders should ensure that all staff implement the new personal development curriculum consistently well to enable all pupils to develop the personal attributes and values that will help them to succeed.

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