Thrybergh Primary School

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About Thrybergh Primary School

Name Thrybergh Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Robyn Parry-McDermott
Address Oldgate Lane, Thrybergh, Rotherham, S65 4JG
Phone Number 01709850732
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 166
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Thrybergh Primary School is a welcoming place.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' learning and behaviour. Pupils learn about the world around them through a range of trips and visitors, such as meeting a zoologist and a published author. This gives learning a context and a link to careers.

Pupils are inspired by these experiences. It gives their learning a clear purpose.

Pupils get the opportunity to learn how to play musical instruments.

Some pupils are proud to represent the school in competitions. For example, some pupils worked with Rotherham Harriers running club and competed in a local cross-country championship. Pupils enjoy these oppor...tunities.

Pupils are happy and safe in school. If they have any worries, they can speak to adults, who will help them. Pupils say that bullying can happen.

However, if it does, adults quickly sort out any issues.

Pupils learn about some of the risks that they may encounter. This includes online and offline.

Pupils learn how to use the internet safely. Many pupils also learn about water safety and have attended rescue workshops with Rotherham Fire and Rescue.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Reading is prioritised in the school.

Pupils learn to read in effective and purposeful lessons. Pupils practise reading with books that are well matched to their stage of development. These support pupils to develop their confidence and fluency.

If pupils find reading hard, or they fall behind in their learning, they access additional sessions. These help pupils to catch up quickly. The school has invested in high-quality books.

These have been carefully chosen. Pupils enjoy listening to adults read these books. Pupils are positive about reading.

They talk in detail about their favourite books and how reading supports their learning.

The school has made improvements to the wider curriculum. Leaders have ensured that the knowledge they want pupils to learn is clearly identified and builds from the early years to Year 6.

This helps pupils to make links in their learning and deepen their understanding. Teachers generally use assessments well to identify what pupils have learned and to identify any gaps in pupils' knowledge. In most subjects, teachers successfully adapt lessons to address what pupils need to revisit and learn next.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified early. The support that pupils with SEND receive is effective. This helps them to learn alongside their peers.

Pupils with SEND have personalised targets. They receive tailored support to help them achieve these targets. This includes the use of practical resources and access to extra teaching sessions.

Leaders have a positive approach to addressing behaviour. They encourage pupils to take responsibility for their actions, to reflect, and identify how they can make better choices. Pupils say that this approach helps them.

As a result, pupils behave well in lessons and around school.

Children in the early years are happy and confident. Staff in the early years have participated in training to support how they ask questions to develop children's communication knowledge.

Adults model the use of vocabulary in their conversations with children. This successfully extends children's understanding and communication. However, some of the activities that children take part in outside are not as well matched to the curriculum in the early years as they could be.

As a result, some children do not learn as much as they could in preparation for Year 1.

The school is committed to ensuring that pupils access a range of experiences to develop their character. These are carefully designed and support pupils to become active and rounded citizens.

For example, pupils go rock climbing and canoeing, and learn a musical instrument. These activities help pupils with their confidence and resilience.

Pupils take additional responsibilities in school.

These include leadership roles, such as being on the school council and eco council. Pupils take these roles seriously. The roles allow them to see how they can have a positive impact on others.

Pupils learn about different faiths. However, some pupils struggle to recall what they have been taught about different religions.

Leaders support staff development and their well-being.

This includes encouraging working collaboratively with colleagues and accessing training. Staff state this supports their workload and commitment to improving the school.

Those responsible for governance receive information from school leaders and meet with them regularly.

This ensures that they have an accurate picture of the strengths and areas to develop. Those responsible for governance and trust staff effectively challenge and support leaders to further improve the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some activities in the outdoor learning environment in early years are not tightly focused on what children need to learn next. As a result, some children do not learn as much as they could. The school should ensure that learning activities outside support children to learn the intended curriculum in preparation for key stage 1.

Some pupils struggle to recall what they have been taught about different religions. As a result, some pupils are not as prepared for life in modern Britain as they could be. The school should ensure that teachers check that pupils have learned and remembered what they have been taught about different religions.

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