Tinsley Meadows Primary School

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About Tinsley Meadows Primary School

Name Tinsley Meadows Primary School
Website http://www.tinsleymeadows.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Tania Macpherson
Address 34a Norborough Road, Tinsley, Sheffield, S9 1SG
Phone Number 01142441842
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 659
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils in this school thrive because of the ethos and environment that they are part of. Leaders and staff have high expectations for what pupils can achieve and the type of people that they want pupils to become.

Leaders look for every opportunity to ensure that pupils' life chances are developed and enhanced. Adults have a 'no excuses culture' when it comes to giving the pupils the best education they can.

Pupils have positive attitudes to learning.

In lessons, they begin their work quickly and enthusiastically. They benefit from the strong routines and high expectations put in place by staff. Pupils move around school calmly.

Relationships between... pupils and staff are underpinned by high levels of respect. Many pupils benefit from activities, like breakfast club, where they can be supported to develop their social skills and to understand healthy and unhealthy food choices. Pupils support each other in managing their behaviour.

Pupils who are peer mediators are used successfully across school when there are friendship issues between pupils. Bullying rarely happens. When it does, pupils know that it will be dealt with quickly.

The trust and confidence they have in the staff is well founded on the experiences that they have of feeling cared for.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum. Lessons are sequenced carefully and to support pupils to build their knowledge over time.

There is a strong focus on pupils developing subject specific vocabulary. Pupils are able to explain how their current learning links with what they have been taught before. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access this curriculum with appropriate adaptations and support.

Teachers receive high-quality training and support to develop their subject knowledge in different areas of the curriculum. Teachers use assessment information to tell them what pupils need support with. In lessons, teachers check pupils' understanding regularly.

In some subjects, assessment information is not focused enough on what pupils have learned over time. Sometimes, the checks that teachers make do not closely inform the catch up provision and support for pupils who are working below the age of their peers. This includes some pupils with SEND.

There is a clear focus on reading in this school. Pupils are taught a phonics curriculum which is well sequenced. Teachers have good subject knowledge of how to teach reading.

Pupils are given books to read that closely match the sounds they have learned. Pupils who fall behind in their reading quickly receive appropriate support to catch up. Adults promote a love of reading around school through reading areas, which are inviting to pupils.

Leaders have made deliberate book choices to expose pupils to concepts, such as equality and challenging prejudice and discrimination.

Leaders have considered the personal development of pupils, carefully. Pupils have access to a wide range of activities and experiences beyond the classroom.

Subject leaders plan educational visits and experiences linked to pupils' learning. Pupils talk enthusiastically about their debating skills and how they develop through access to philosophy lessons for children. There are opportunities for pupils to contribute to their wider school community through taking pupil leadership roles, such as eco warriors, reading champions and mental health champions.

Pupils are enthused by the project they recently took part in, which developed their talents and interests in music and art.

Pupils with SEND have their needs identified quickly and they are supported effectively. Leaders of SEND in the school are knowledgeable and ambitious for these pupils.

Some pupils with more challenging needs require bespoke support, particularly around self-regulation. These pupils receive this support in the innovative learning environment that leaders have created. Leaders are highly ambitious for all pupils with SEND.

Most of these pupils access the same curriculum as their peers. Teachers are skilled at providing targeted support and adjustments to help these pupils achieve.

Children in the early years get a strong start to their education.

Staff make deliberate efforts to engage parents and support them to be part of their children's educational journey. Interactions between staff and children are based on respect and care. Children are supported to follow routines which develop their independence and confidence.

Trustees, senior leaders and governors share the same moral purpose for their work in school. This commitment and determination translate into the consistency in which staff in school talk about the importance of the work they do. The local governing body is newly formed.

Trustees have a clear and appropriate plan in place to support the new governing body members to undertake their roles and responsibilities. Staff report feeling well supported by leaders around their workload and well-being. There is an understanding that working at the school requires hard work.

Staff have an understanding and clarity about the impact that this has on life chances for pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a clear and thorough training programme in place for staff, so that safeguarding has high priority.

Leaders have ensured that staff have a clear understanding of the local safeguarding issues faced by pupils and families. There are clear systems in place for staff to share concerns. Any concerns reported are always followed up swiftly by leaders.

Leaders have created roles in school, so that there is additional expertise in place to support pupils and families. External agencies are used well when required. Leaders work with external agencies that provide targeted support for some pupils and families.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Teachers' use of assessment does not precisely identify the knowledge that pupils have learned or where their knowledge is not secure. As a result, the additional catch up sessions, which teachers set for pupils, including those with SEND, are not targeted precisely to revisit the exact gaps in pupils' learning. Leaders should ensure that teachers' assessment of pupils' learning accurately identifies what pupils know and informs any additional catch up sessions, so that these pupils catch up with their peers quickly.

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