Toftwood Infant School

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About Toftwood Infant School

Name Toftwood Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Joanna Pedlow
Address School Lane, Toftwood, Dereham, NR19 1LS
Phone Number 01362692612
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 225
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Toftwood Infant School is an inclusive school.

Staff have high expectations of all pupils. Pupils strive to meet these expectations. They work hard, enjoy their learning and attend well.

Children settle quickly when they join the early years. Staff get to know every child. They establish warm and trusting relationships.

Across the school, pupils feel safe. They are confident that the adults in school will help them to sort out any problems they may have.

The school has high expectations for pupils' behaviour.

Pupils strive to earn points and 'Toftwood tokens' for following the 'golden rules'. They know the importance of making the right choi...ces. Pupils enjoy learning together.

They play together harmoniously at social times.Pupils who take on roles and responsibilities are proud to do so. Infant pupils join the 'federation council' and are keen to contribute to making important decisions such as choosing clubs that pupils can attend.

The 'playground pals' support to make playtime a better, friendlier time. They encourage pupils to get on well with each other and help to ensure that playtimes are a positive experience for all.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum.

The mathematics, reading and science curriculums are particularly strong. This is because they are planned and taught with precision. This contributes towards pupils' learning experience being successful.

As a result, pupils' knowledge builds over time and they achieve well in these subjects.

Reading is a priority at this school. Pupils begin to learn to read straight away.

There is a systematic approach to the teaching of phonics. Carefully selected books match the needs of pupils. Pupils are assessed regularly and receive the support they need should they fall behind.

They quickly catch up. Pupils talk positively about reading. Pupils read regularly at home.

Story time helps to broaden pupils' learning and understanding of different vocabulary.

In a small number of foundation subjects, the curriculum is being reviewed and refined to ensure it is as clearly planned and organised as leaders intend. The planning and progression documents in these subjects are not as clear.

As a result, teachers are not able to precisely teach the skills and knowledge pupils need to learn. This means pupils are not always able to make connections to prior learning and build on what they have been taught previously.

The provision for pupils with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is effective.

Individual support plans recognise the pupils' strengths and identify specific areas where they need additional support. Staff adapt learning tasks to ensure that these pupils are successful in their learning. The school provides the same care and precision for pupils who sometimes struggle with their behaviour.

This ensures that these pupils have support so that they have every opportunity to be successful.

In early years, children make an excellent start. Children learn the routines of school quickly and are highly motivated to learn.

They secure strong foundations for their future learning through a carefully planned curriculum that fully considers children's needs. This includes a range of well-planned activities and access to a well-resourced environment which enhances their learning experiences. As a result, children make strong progress and achieve well.

This ensures that children are fully prepared for the challenges of Year 1.

The school fosters a calm and orderly environment with clear routines and high expectations. This helps pupils get the most out of the curriculum and to concentrate well during lessons.

These successful approaches mean pupils can focus on their learning in class.

Pupils benefit from a range of enrichment activities within the curriculum. They enjoy the planned trips and the special themed days.

The school provides different clubs based on current pupils' ideas and interests, including the running club and young interpreters' club. Pupils enjoy representing the school in sporting activities. Pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of how to keep safe online and of other cultures and beliefs.

This supports pupils to be well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Governors work hard to support and challenge the school. They receive a wide range of high-quality information from the school.

They monitor key areas of school development well and demonstrate an understanding of the school's strengths and next steps.

Staff feel well supported by the school. They know the training and resources that they need to be effective in their work are available to them.

Staff are positive about how leaders consider well-being and workload when making decisions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of foundation subjects, the curriculum is being developed and refined.

In these subjects, guidance is not as clear about the knowledge pupils need to learn. Leaders must ensure that planning is as succinct as it is in most areas of the curriculum so that teachers can teach the appropriate knowledge and skills precisely. As a result, pupils will be able to learn successfully and build on previous learning in all subjects and, subsequently, achieve consistently well in all areas of the curriculum.

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