Tooting Primary School

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About Tooting Primary School

Name Tooting Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Ms Jacqueline Wilson
Address Franciscan Road, Tooting, London, SW17 8HE
Phone Number 02037000790
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 390
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Since the school opened, leaders, managers and governors have worked exceptionally well together.

They have established and maintained consistently high expectations of pupils' achievement and the quality of teaching. As a result of exceptional teaching, the achievement of all groups of pupils is outstanding. Teachers make sure that learning captures pupils' interest and feeds their enthusiasm to concentrate and work hard.

Teachers match tasks very carefully to pupils' abilities. Teaching assistants play a very full part in supporting pupils' learning. Any gaps in the achievement of disadvantaged pupils and the others are closing... rapidly.

Children in the early years provision are very happy and thoroughly enjoy learning in the indoor and outdoor spaces. They make extremely rapid progress in their personal and academic development. Exceptionally high-quality phonics (the sounds letters make) sessions and daily reading make sure that pupils in Reception and Year 1 develop strong reading skills and a love of books.

Pupils' writing is encouraged very successfully through writing regularly in a wide range of subjects. Pupils build up confidence extremely quickly in mathematics. They use their knowledge of numbers very readily to solve problems.

Frequent outings, visitors and enrichment activities promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and social development very strongly. Leaders and managers check systematically the quality of teaching and how effectively pupils learn and make progress. Additional support for pupils who need extra help makes sure all pupils achieve exceptionally well.

Specifically selected training for all staff makes sure that pupils benefit from extremely high-quality teaching. Pupils in the specially resourced provision (the base) make exceptional progress from their starting points. Pupils benefit enormously from spending time in the base as well as in mainstream classes.

Personalised support is tailored highly effectively to the individual needs of each pupil. Staff make sure that disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs, including those in the base, develop reading, writing and mathematics skills securely. High-quality provision fosters pupils' personal and social development very successfully.

Pupils are remarkably motivated to learn in all subjects. They are exceedingly keen to meet the very high expectations the staff set for their behaviour. Pupils follow instructions and routines very readily so that no learning time is wasted.

The school is a calm and safe environment. Pupils are extremely clear how to keep themselves safe. At the end of break time, pupils swiftly tidy equipment away and line up when the 'tidy up' flag is raised.

Members of the governing body are highly ambitious for the school. They maintain a very close watch over how well the school performs and all aspects of the school's work.

Information about this school

This free school opened in September 2013 in newly refurbished buildings.

It was founded by the Graveney Trust. It is much smaller than the average-sized primary school. The school started with two full-time classes of 30 Reception Year children.

Currently, there are two full-time Reception classes and two classes in Year 1. There are no pupils in Years 2 to 6. The school will continue to increase in size each year until there are two classes in each year from Reception to Year 6.

The school provides specially resourced provision for up to 21 pupils who have special educational needs with autistic spectrum disorder. There are no national assessment results by which to measure the school's performance against the government's current floor standards (the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics). The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is below average.

A larger proportion of pupils compared to the national average speak English as an additional language. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils who are supported by the pupil premium, which is additional government funding to give extra support to those known to be eligible for free school meals and to children who are looked after, is below average. The breakfast and after-school clubs are not managed by the governing body and were not part of this inspection.

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