Tranmoor Primary

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About Tranmoor Primary

Name Tranmoor Primary
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Andrew Mynett
Address Tranmoor Lane, Armthorpe, Doncaster, DN3 3DB
Phone Number 01302831720
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 412
Local Authority Doncaster
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy learning at Tranmoor Primary. Pupils arrive at school with a smile on their face.

They are welcomed into school ready for a day of learning by adults who care for them well. Pupils are proud of their school and are kind and caring towards each other. They have secure relationships with their teachers and school staff.

Leaders ensure pupils study a broad and ambitious curriculum. Children learn with enthusiasm. In the early years, children experience an exciting day of learning and discovery.

Parents and carers appreciate the care and support given to pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). However, sometimes some pupils ...with SEND do not get the precise support they need to learn as well as they could.

Pupils behave well.

Their behaviour in lessons, around school and at social times demonstrates the values of the school. This includes cooperation, friendship, tolerance and respect. Pupils follow school routines well.

They try hard in lessons. They understand how to stay safe online and how to keep themselves healthy. Bullying is very rare.

Pupils who spoke with inspectors say adults would deal with bullying effectively if it happened.

Pupils have important roles in school. School council members talk with pride about their achievements and the improvements they have made to the school environment.

Pupils learn about ideas such as democracy through the `Parliament Week' and enjoy access to after-school activities. These include sporting clubs and a well-being club.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the last inspection, leaders, in partnership with colleagues from the trust, have successfully improved the quality of education across the school.

They have created a curriculum that is ambitious for all its pupils. Early years provision has significantly improved. Early years now provides an exceptional start to school.

Two- and three-year-old children learn the routines and expectations needed for successful learning in Reception Year. The early years learning environment is adapted carefully to meet the individual needs of young children. This, along with meticulous organisation and expert teaching, helps children to enjoy learning and flourish.

Children face no barriers to learning and are exceptionally well prepared for key stage 1. Pupils continue to work hard through to Year 6. They have a positive attitude to learning and achieve well.

Reading, and the development of pupils' vocabulary, are at the heart of this school's curriculum. Staff focus on developing children's communication skills as soon as children begin in early years. Children in Reception and Year 1 benefit from a well-structured approach to teaching phonics.

Staff are well trained and skilled, and teaching is focused and precise. Children learn sounds quickly. They confidently read books matched to the sounds that they are learning.

Pupils who find reading difficult are quickly identified and given carefully planned support. This helps them catch up quickly. Older pupils talk with enthusiasm about the books that they read.

They demonstrate a love of reading and understand that it is important.

In many subjects, the delivery of the curriculum enables most pupils to successfully build on prior learning and apply what they know to new learning. This helps them to remember important knowledge.

Pupils are enthusiastic learners. For the most part, pupils are able to recall the knowledge that they have learned. They have a good understanding of what they are learning and why.

In mathematics, for example, pupils use what they know to multiply fractions, reason and apply their mathematical vocabulary successfully. In history, pupils talk with confidence about Ancient Egypt. In French, pupils are able to recall key words and phrases with fluency.

In a few subjects, however, pupils cannot consistently apply the most important knowledge to new learning because, at times, activities are too challenging and pupils are overloaded with information. Leaders recognise that there remains scope to further develop the curriculum so that it reflects pupils' varying and specific needs even more closely.

The school prioritises the welfare and needs of pupils with SEND.

Leaders are determined that any barriers to progress are reduced. Most pupils with SEND have precise support plans. This helps to ensure that pupils' individual learning needs are clear and that staff know their targets.

However, a few support plans lack the necessary detail to ensure that individual pupils' learning needs are consistently well met.

Pupils' personal development is woven effectively through the school. Pupils learn to be tolerant and respectful towards others.

Visits and visitors enrich the curriculum to help pupils experience the world beyond Tranmoor Primary. Enterprise activities ensure pupils learn skills needed for later life. Pupils access a wide range of sporting after-school activities.

These wider activities enhance the school curriculum positively. They know about the importance of fundamental British values, such as tolerance and respect. While pupils learn about different cultures and faiths, some pupils' understanding is not secure.

This limits their understanding of the wider world beyond school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, the curriculum does not enable pupils to recall prior learning effectively and, for some pupils, activities are too ambitious.

Pupils are, on occasions, overloaded with information. This means that pupils cannot consistently recall the most important knowledge and apply it to new learning. The school should ensure that the curriculum and individual pupils' support plans are consistently well adapted to meet pupils' varying learning needs, including pupils with SEND.

• Some pupils are unable to talk with confidence about their understanding of other faiths and cultures. Their knowledge and understanding of this is insecure. The school must ensure that the curriculum helps pupils develop a good understanding of other faiths and cultures to help prepare them more fully for their future and the wider world.

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