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Pupils enjoy coming to Treeton Church of England Primary School.
They are happy and speak highly of their teachers. Relationships between staff and pupils are positive and respectful. Parents value the education that their children receive.
One parent summed up the views of many parents, saying: 'Our children have flourished. We are grateful to staff for their efforts in helping our children to develop in every way.'
Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum.
They have carefully considered the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pupils' learning and well-being. Leaders have introduced 'pupil worship leaders' and 'prayer trees' to support pupils' m...ental health.
Leaders ensure that all pupils understand what bullying is and how to deal with it.
Pupil 'anti-bullying officers', anti-bullying weeks and workshops around bullying help pupils to be confident. Pupils know that they will be listened to. They say that little bullying takes place.
Pupils know how to stay safe. This is because leaders deliver a personal, social and health education curriculum that teaches pupils about relationships and staying safe. Pupils say behaviour is good during lesson times but less so during other times of the day.
There is a wide range of opportunities for pupils to become active and responsible citizens, including: supporting homeless people through charities; building relationships with residents in a local care home; and engaging with enterprise projects. There is a range of clubs that have resumed since the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic have eased. Pupils with social, emotional, and mental health needs are offered additional opportunities such as horse riding.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have put into place a curriculum that is well organised and ambitious. For example, in mathematics, learning builds on pupils' prior knowledge and understanding as they move through school. In Year 1, pupils are taught to recognise and name common two-dimensional shapes, such as rectangles and squares.
By Year 5, pupils can explain the properties of regular and irregular shapes. Teachers ensure that pupils revisit and use 'knowledge organisers' in their books. This supports them to remember mathematical facts.
As a result, pupils can talk confidently about the mathematics that they have learned.
Leaders ensure that all staff have the expertise to deliver phonics sessions effectively. Leaders and staff are clear what sounds they expect pupils to know at the end of every half term.
Teachers check the sounds pupils know as soon as they start in Reception. Staff use regular checks to identify any pupils that fall behind. If this happens, pupils receive timely interventions to help them catch up.
As a result, pupils read with fluency and enjoy reading. They like receiving reading certificates when they read three times a week at home.
Leaders have carefully considered what they want pupils to learn in other subjects such as history and art.
Subject leaders have thought about what is taught in each year group so that it prepares pupils for new learning. However, some teachers do not always present subject content clearly. They do not always consider the best way to get pupils to learn new knowledge.
For example, in history, pupils write newspaper articles from the point of view of a Stone Age person. This leads to misconceptions that newspapers were around during the Stone Age period. Pupils focus on the activity of how to write a newspaper article rather than the historical knowledge leaders want them to remember.
Staff check pupils' knowledge in wider curriculum subjects. However, these checks are not as effective as those in mathematics and English. Leaders are developing systems to improve this.
The early years is a strength of the school. Leaders have thought carefully about what they want children to learn and how it will prepare them for Year 1. Leaders ensure that staff receive regular training so that they create and deliver a well-sequenced curriculum.
Staff support pupils to develop their communication and vocabulary through modelling conversations during play. As a result, early years is a positive environment where children flourish.
Leaders and staff have high ambitions for all pupils to achieve, including those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
There are clear and robust systems in place to identify and support pupils with SEND.
Leaders have established a behaviour and rewards system that staff apply consistently. Pupils say that behaviour is good during lessons.
However, they feel that this is not always the case during breaktimes and lunchtimes. They say that consequences do not always prevent pupils from making the same mistake twice.
Pupils understand fundamental British values such as the rule of law.
Leaders develop pupils' understanding of equal opportunities through carefully selected books. This enables pupils to discuss and learn about issues, such as segregation, in a meaningful way.
Trust members and governors know the strengths of the school and what leaders need to do to improve.
Staff speak positively about leadership and feel that leaders are considerate of their workload.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders make checks on adults who work with pupils.
There is a clear staff induction process for new members of staff.
Leaders provide staff with relevant safeguarding training and updates. Staff know what the local safeguarding risks are and the potential impact on pupils.
Adults know and understand how to identify and report any concerns. There are strong systems in place to make sure that concerns are followed up quickly.
Leaders work closely with external agencies to ensure that pupils who are most vulnerable are monitored and supported.
For example, leaders have commissioned a charity to work with identified pupils around their mental health and well-being. In addition, leaders provide support for families that may be at risk to prevent them from going into further crisis.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Although teachers have been supported to develop curriculum plans in the wider subjects, they have not received the same level of support on how to deliver these plans effectively.
Teachers focus on teaching an activity rather than what they want pupils to learn. As a result, pupils remember the activity, such as dressing up and being a Victorian, rather than the knowledge leaders want them to remember. Leaders need to ensure that teachers receive support on how to deliver subject-specific curriculum areas so that the knowledge that they want pupils to learn is realised.
• Pupils' behaviour during breaktimes and lunchtimes is not as good as it is during lesson times. Pupils feel that consequences do not always prevent pupils from repeating the same inappropriate behaviours. Leaders should review the school's behaviour policy and ensure that it is consistently applied during all times of the school day so that instances of poor behaviour reduce.