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This is a good school Trustees and school leaders have taken swift action to rectify a recent dip in achievement. As a result, most of the current pupils are making strong progress. The most able pupils and girls continue to make rapid progress.
New curriculum topics are better engaging boys in their learning. Consequently, boys are catching up with girls. The pupil premium is being used more effectively.
Disadvantaged pupils are, therefore, rapidly catching up with others in the school and nationally. Improvements in the quality of teaching, learning and assessment are having a more positive impact on the progress made by pupils who have low prior attainment ...and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). However, leaders have accurately identified that some of these pupils, and some who have average prior attainment, are not yet making the progress they should.
Children get off to a good start in the early years, particularly in reading, writing and mathematics. They go on to achieve well in the Year 1 national phonics screening check. The headteacher has established a positive culture for learning.
Pupils are eager to learn and they work productively together. They are considerate towards others and behave well. They attend school regularly.
Procedures for safeguarding are robust. Pupils feel safe in school and they learn how to stay safe.
Information about this school
The school converted to academy status on 1 March 2016 when it joined the Roseland Multi-Academy Trust.
The trust comprises two primary schools and a secondary school, The Roseland School. The school shares a site with the secondary school and also with a pre-school for children aged two to four years. The pre-school is under separate management.
The headteacher of the secondary school is the executive headteacher of all three schools in the trust and he is also the chief executive officer (CEO). The trust is governed by a board of trustees. The school provides childcare before and after school.
It is managed by the trust. The school is much smaller than most primary schools. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average.
Very few pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils who receive support for special educational needs is above average. The proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan is above average.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.