Trinity Academy

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About Trinity Academy

Name Trinity Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Victoria Gibson
Address Church Balk, Thorne, Doncaster, DN8 5BY
Phone Number 01405813000
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Christian
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1254
Local Authority Doncaster
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are valued as individuals at this inclusive school. Pupils experience an education that is underpinned by a strong Christian ethos. Pupils have excellent relationships with their teachers and are nurtured to develop their character.

Pupils feel safe and have trusted adults.

Pupils behave very well, and incidents of disruption in lessons are low. Pupils move around the school site sensibly and quietly.

Most pupils' attitudes to learning are positive. A minority of pupils are uncertain about their enjoyment and value of learning. Sixth-form students are highly positive about their lessons and teachers.

They play an active part in the leadership ...of the school.

The school provides a range of clubs and activities, such as football, netball, rock band, Doctor Who, fitness and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Pupils and students support numerous charities through toy collections, shoebox appeals and sponsoring children abroad who need support and care.

Pupils are taught to take pride in themselves and their work. This is evident in their mannerisms, uniform and written work. Pupils are articulate and can describe what they have learned in lessons.

Pupils benefit from a revised curriculum, which is having a positive impact on their progress.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school provides an inclusive curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils. The school has made various changes to the curriculum in recent years.

These changes have ensured that all pupils are prepared well for future education, employment or training. The curriculum is carefully planned and enables pupils to accumulate more knowledge over time. The trust is providing support to further refine some areas of the curriculum.

The school's new curriculum potential is not fully reflected in the most recent outcomes of external examinations. However, current pupils and students in the sixth form are making good progress. Sixth-form students achieve strongly on vocational and applied courses.

Most pupils recall knowledge and can articulate what they have learned.

Teachers use a variety of methods to help pupils remember knowledge and learn new skills. For example, 'Do Now' tasks at the start of lessons help pupils recall prior knowledge and link this to their current learning.

Teachers skilfully use questions to check pupils' understanding. However, in some lessons, there are missed opportunities for the development of pupils' oracy skills. Teachers provide support to help pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

New quality assurance procedures are in place to ensure that good teaching practice is consistent in all lessons.

The school has prioritised reading, literacy and writing. Pupils expand their vocabulary in lessons through strategies such as 'Say it again, better' and an emphasis on word etymology.

Pupils are taught to predict, read, question, categorise and summarise written information. The weakest readers are quickly identified, supported and make good progress. Sixth-form students and pupils in key stage 4 mentor and support younger pupils with reading.

Pupils behave very well in lessons. The consistent implementation of the new behavioural policy has helped raise standards. Staff talk with pupils to help them understand the reasons for consequences and how to improve their behaviour.

As a result, suspensions have been significantly reduced. Most pupils attend school regularly. The school makes considerable efforts to ensure that attendance remains high for all pupils.

The personal development programme features a strong Christian ethos. Pupils develop their character and learn about seven core virtues, including love and wisdom. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe online and about healthy relationships, drugs and alcohol abuse.

Some pupils recall only superficial details about world faiths and protected characteristics. Sixth-form students are taught about themes such as sexual health and financial literacy. They play an active role in the life of the wider school.

For example, students lead the school's support for local charities, and student house captains act as mentors for younger pupils. Students experience a comprehensive careers curriculum. This provides a range of encounters with employers and work experience opportunities.

School leaders have made significant improvements to all aspects of the school since the last inspection. Leaders gather data that provides information about the school's performance. However, this data is not consistently acted on to inform further improvement strategies.

Governors and Trustees have a good understanding of the school. Governors are now developing the confidence to challenge school leaders and hold them to account.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, do not make sufficient progress or achieve the outcomes they are capable of in external examinations. However, recent developments and improvements to the curriculum are having a positive impact on pupils' progress and achievement. The school should ensure that improvements in the quality of education are fully embedded, consistently implemented and reflected in pupil outcomes at key stages 4 and 5.

• The school does not always consistently act on data to inform and shape improvement strategies. This means that sometimes potential improvements are missed or delayed. The school should ensure that leaders at all levels have a sharp understanding of data and that this is used to inform rapid improvements.

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