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Pupils at Trinity Academy Richmond are happy and safe.
The school provides a calm and nurturing environment, where pupils thrive. Pupils are proud of their school and know that they belong. This is reflected in the school song, written by pupils, in which they sing 'I can be me!' The school's ethos helps pupils to achieve their best.
The school has high expectations for pupils' learning and behaviour. Children benefit from a strong foundation to their education in the early years. Throughout the school, the well-developed and broad curriculum sparks pupils' curiosity.
Pupils are keen to contribute to lessons. They are proud of the work they produce. Pupils wi...th special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported.
They achieve well.
Staff prioritise pupils' well-being. The school provides additional calm spaces during playtimes for pupils who prefer this.
Pupils know that they can discuss any worries with staff. Pupils are polite and respectful towards adults. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe online and recognise risks in the local area.
Parents and carers are overwhelmingly happy with the education and care that their children receive.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The early years provision is a strength of the school. Children benefit from high-quality opportunities to develop their early number and communication knowledge.
Staff provide a wealth of opportunities for children to develop knowledge and skills through well-designed activities. This includes in the outdoor area, where children take part in challenges to help them remember new learning. Children know the routines and expectations well.
They are excited when learning new words and skills while baking together. They join in with stories and rhymes. Children quickly develop independence.
They are well prepared for Year 1.
The school has introduced a well-sequenced, ambitious curriculum. In mathematics and English, the school has carefully thought through how lessons are structured.
Pupils have ample opportunities to revisit prior learning. This helps them to remember important knowledge. The school has also prioritised pupils' exposure to, and understanding of, new vocabulary.
Pupils want to do well in their lessons, they work hard and achieve well. However, in some subjects, the important knowledge that pupils need to know and remember is not prioritised in lessons. This means pupils occasionally struggle to remember learning.
In these subjects, the school does not have an accurate picture of what pupils know and can do.
Reading is at the heart of the curriculum. Children begin learning to read as soon as they join Reception.
They learn to read quickly and confidently. Pupils who struggle with reading receive extra help each day. The school has invested time and resources to ensure that staff are experts in teaching reading.
Pupils love the stories that they share together in class. In key stage 2, they have dedicated time in lessons to analyse and discuss them. This strengthens pupils' comprehension skills.
The school quickly identifies when pupils need more support. It works closely with parents and external agencies to understand pupils' needs. Pupils with SEND work towards the same ambitious curriculum goals as their peers.
The school provides pupils with personalised 'independence packs' that include the tools to help them be successful in lessons. The support from well-trained staff helps pupils with SEND to thrive academically and socially.
Pupils' conduct is calm and purposeful.
The school has established systems to support pupils to think about and improve their behaviour. This helps pupils to take responsibility for their actions. Pupils have positive attitudes to their learning and to helping others.
The weekly celebration assemblies inspire pupils. The school provides practical help and high-quality pastoral support for families in a timely way. Pupils and families know it is important to attend school well and on time.
The school offers a wide range of enrichment activities. These widen pupils' interests and talents. Pupils are keen to contribute to the life of the school.
The school prioritises time in the school day for pupils to reflect together. Pupils know it is important to treat others fairly.
The school is committed to providing high-quality education for all pupils.
Trustees and governors hold leaders to account effectively. The governing body know the school well. The challenge and support that they provide is a strength.
Staff feel valued, and their workload is well managed. They are proud to work here.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some foundation subjects, the important knowledge that pupils need to know and remember is not made clear. Pupils do not remember sufficient curriculum content in these subjects. The school should refine the curriculum delivery in these subjects so that there is a greater focus on foregrounding the important knowledge and vocabulary pupils need for future learning.
• In some subjects, the school is still developing its understanding of the impact of the curriculum. As a result, in these subjects, the school does not know what pupils know and can do and where improvements need to be made. The school should strengthen its oversight of the curriculum so that it can make rigorous and secure improvements, where needed.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.