Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham (Primary Site)

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About Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham (Primary Site)

Name Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham (Primary Site)
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr David Lucas
Address Leahurst Rd, London, SE13 5HZ
Phone Number 0208 325 4551
Phase Other
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-16
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1031
Local Authority Lewisham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders, including governors, responded promptly to the findings of the last inspection report. Leadership has strengthened across all phases of the school and the quality of teaching has improved.

The attainment of pupils across the school has risen in recent years. Pupils make good progress across most subjects. The differences in achievement between disadvantaged pupils and others are diminishing.

Pupils experience a wealth of opportunities to learn about different occupations and to develop employability skills. As a result, pupils, including the most able disadvantaged pupils, have high aspirations. They have a clear idea of what the...y need to do to achieve their ambitions.

The behaviour of pupils is good. Pupils respect their teachers' requests because they value their education. They take pride in wearing their uniform in the local community and being a 'terrific Trinitarian'.

The few pupils who have difficulty behaving well receive the help they need to improve. Pupils demonstrate consideration and respect for each other and celebrate the diversity of heritages they represent. They are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Disadvantaged pupils across the school benefit from timely and tailored support so that their attendance improves and they make better progress. The early years provision is outstanding. Children are highly motivated by a vibrant and stimulating environment where they are well taught, well cared for and make excellent progress.

The early years leader ensures that all children thrive. Strong leadership of the primary phase is well established. Recent changes to leadership of the secondary phase have led to raised expectations and greater consistency in teachers' use of school policies.

Communications between the different phases of the school have recently become more regular and productive. However, best practice is not yet routinely shared between the primary and secondary phases. Leaders acknowledge that new and revised systems in the secondary phase, for example for the monitoring of teaching and the evaluation of interventions to support disadvantaged pupils, are not yet fully embedded.

Leaders' expectations that lessons include sufficient challenge for the most able pupils are not consistently met across all subjects.

Information about this school

The school does not meet requirements on the publication of information about the allocation of pupil premium for the current academic year in the secondary phase and about governance on its website. The school is an all-through school with early years and primary and secondary phases.

The primary phase currently has pupils in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. The secondary school has pupils in Year 7 to Year 11. Both schools are smaller than the average-sized primary and secondary schools respectively.

The primary phase is located at a separate location approximately one mile from the secondary phase. An interim headteacher of the secondary phase took up his post in September 2016. The head of school for the primary phase has been in post for one year.

The proportion of pupils who are eligible for support from the pupil premium funding is above average. The proportion of pupils representing minority ethnic groups is much higher than average. Most pupils are from Black or Black British Caribbean, White British and Black or Black British African heritages.

A higher proportion of pupils speak English as an additional language than the national average. A smaller proportion of pupils than average need additional support with special educational needs and/or disabilities. More pupils than average have a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan.

A small number of secondary pupils attend alternative provision. Providers include Education My Life Matters, Lewisham Young Women's Project, Lewisham College, Charlton Athletic Trust, and New Woodlands School. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set out the minimum expectations for attainment and progress of pupils by the end of key stage 4.

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Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham

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