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Trinity Sixth Form Academy opened in 2013 as The Maltings College and subsequently became part of the Trinity Multi-Academy Trust. The academy moved to a new sixth form campus in the town centre of Halifax in September 2020, offering greater capacity for student numbers. The academy recruits a high proportion of its students from some of the most deprived areas of the borough of Calderdale.
At the time of the inspection, there were 711 students on education programmes for young people. Around three quarters of students study A levels, and the remainder study advanced vocational courses. There were 55 students with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and six students who ...have high needs.
What is it like to be a learner with this provider?
Students thrive in the academy's calm and harmonious environment. Their behaviour and attitudes are exemplary and in keeping with the academy's high expectations and values. Students are polite, motivated, well-organised and respectful to their peers and teachers.
They attend well and arrive ready to learn in their lessons.Students enjoy their lessons, which are taught by skilled, enthusiastic and knowledgeable teachers. They quickly adapt to the high expectations of their teachers to produce work of a high standard and to work at a brisk pace that keeps them interested and motivated.
As a result, students make rapid progress in developing the knowledge, skills and behaviours that they need to achieve and progress to their next steps.Students participate in an extensive range of activities and projects that develop their confidence and broaden their interests. Through the 'Trinity Graduate' programme, students take qualifications in British Sign Language, first aid and driving theory practice as well as engaging in public speaking training, young enterprise and Duke of Edinburgh awards.
Students take part in a range of sports including badminton, running and martial arts. During the period of COVID-19 restrictions, students volunteered to shop for disabled neighbours and home-schooled their younger siblings.Students feel very safe and know how to keep themselves and their peers safe.
They know that if they experience problems or have concerns about their safety or well-being, staff will support them and take prompt action.
What does the provider do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and governors foster a culture of exceptionally high expectations for students' academic success. Leaders are committed to providing excellent education that not only powerfully addresses social disadvantage but is also highly relevant to local and regional skills gaps, particularly in the health professions and digital industries.
The result is an ambitious curriculum that equips students exceptionally well with the knowledge and skills that they need to progress to higher education or employment.
Teachers and leaders are exemplary role models to students. Teachers wear smart business dress and are polite and respectful in their interactions with students.
Senior staff are highly visible throughout the day, including welcoming students into the college each morning. The college environment is highly conducive to learning. College premises are modern and clean, with very well-equipped classrooms and workshops.
As a result, a studious, purposeful and professional environment prevails.
Teachers skilfully plan and sequence learning so that students build upon their previous learning week by week. Students on the A level art course study form, structure, colour and different techniques before moving on to artists and influences.
They use a wide range of different media in creating, refining and developing their skills. The art curriculum is suitably ambitious, and students quickly learn and apply new information and produce high-quality artwork. Teachers thoughtfully sequence the A level English literature curriculum to build on the skills and knowledge that students acquired in their GCSE studies.
They cover contemporary poetry first as a familiar topic, before moving to more challenging drama texts. As a result, students settle into their programme quickly and make rapid progress.Teachers' imaginative approaches capture their students' interest and imagination.
Students taking A level biology explore the biodiversity on beaches at Robin Hood's Bay to understand the different wildlife that can be found on the beach, in rock pools and in the sea. They explore the different species of crabs to see how their anatomy has changed, dependent on each environment. Teachers of information and communication technology (ICT) use their industry knowledge exceptionally well to exemplify use of ICT across a variety of industries.
For example, teachers link the use of computer-aided design and programming to the car industry and bespoke software applications to niche or specialist industries, enabling students to quickly identify areas of interest and real-world applications. As a result, students are engaged and inspired, and make rapid headway in their learning. Teachers ensure that students thoroughly understand how to improve their work.
Students in health and social care use mind maps and flash cards successfully, to help consolidate learning and understand how to achieve distinction grades. Students in A level English literature rapidly learn how to hone their language and academic writing skills so they can write essays to a high standard. As a result, students are very well prepared for their examinations and their next steps in higher education.
Teachers are skilled in using strategies that deepen students' knowledge and understanding. They check what students can recall at the start of sessions, to consolidate previous learning and prepare for the lesson ahead. For example, when teaching about fossil fuels and heat outputs in applied science, teachers apply this to real life by asking students to link the burn rate of fuels to fuel consumption and miles per gallon in cars.
This then prepares students to explore and thoroughly understand the negative impact of fossil fuels on the environment.
Teachers benefit from well-planned professional development that enhances their subject knowledge and expertise. All teachers learn how to support students with their English and literacy development, including those with dyslexia.
Special educational needs coordinators and support staff work very effectively with teachers to ensure that students with SEND, including those with high needs, make significant progress and achieve their aspirations to progress to employment or higher education.Staff provide students with highly effective careers advice and guidance. They forge good links with higher education institutions, to arrange visits for students who are considering their university choices and with employers to provide impartial advice and guidance about employment options and apprenticeships.
Students benefit from talks by guest speakers to help them consider their next steps and progression routes. For example, students studying science benefit from high-quality seminars with professors from universities to broaden their understanding of academic specialisms.Governors make valuable contributions to improvements at the academy through effective scrutiny and challenge of leaders' decision making.
Governors help to shape the strategic direction of the academy through, for example, the development of middle management roles that enhance oversight of teaching, training and ensure that provision is of high quality.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and managers maintain a clear oversight of safeguarding.
They identify, monitor and support any students who are vulnerable to the risk of abuse and harm. The designated safeguarding officer is well trained and experienced for the role, and all staff benefit from regular training in safeguarding.
Students feel safe and are safe.
Pastoral staff reinforce messages on how to stay safe each week in assemblies. Staff ensure that students understand potential risks posed in the local area, including from radicalisation, extremism and sexual exploitation.Leaders and staff create an exceptionally safe and welcoming culture where sexual abuse, bullying, harassment and peer-on-peer abuse are not tolerated.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.