Trosnant Infant School

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About Trosnant Infant School

Name Trosnant Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Ian Waine
Address Stockheath Lane, Leigh Park, Havant, PO9 3BD
Phone Number 02392475606
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 165
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at this school are kind, enthusiastic and polite. They value the school's ethos of respect and resilience. The school is calm and orderly and pupils behave well.

They are proud to be part of the 'Trosnant family'. Pupils enjoy attending this friendly school because there are strong and caring relationships between pupils and staff. If pupils have any worries, they know they can talk to adults in school who will listen to them.

This helps them to feel safe and cared for.

Staff have high ambitions for all pupils' learning and behaviour. Pupils rise to these expectations and appreciate the celebrations of their success.

Pupils, including those special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), love learning. As a result, they are motivated, and pupils achieve well across the curriculum.

Pupils value the wide range of opportunities.

The school's 'uniqueness curriculum' provides exciting experiences and activities. It is a source of excitement for pupils. They relish the regular beach and forest school sessions.

The school prioritises developing pupils' emotional and physical health. Children learn to brush their teeth in Reception. Pupils confidently talk about their emotions, using the 'colour monsters' to help them articulate their feelings.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils' learning begins with a strong foundation in Reception, and a well-considered curriculum. For example, the school has identified a clear set of steps to support children to move from practical early mathematics to more complicated number work. Staff provide effective help through carefully chosen activities to promote communication and language development.

From the start of Reception, staff accurately identify the needs of children. This continues throughout the school, where pupils' needs are met well through effective use of different adaptations and resources.

Throughout the rest of the school, leaders have carefully identified what pupils will learn and when.

Staff use effective approaches to support pupils to learn the intended curriculum. This includes recapping prior learning to help pupils to connect new learning to what they have learned before. Staff benefit from effective training which enables them to support pupils.

In reading and mathematics, staff have expert subject knowledge. They use this to accurately check pupils' understanding, and this information informs future teaching. Staff design ambitious activities to support pupils to learn the most important knowledge.

As a result, pupils usually learn well in these subjects. In a few other subjects, the expertise of some staff is less well developed. This means that tasks do not consistently support pupils to learn the curriculum and that staff do not emphasise the most important content.

As a result, sometimes, pupils' learning is variable.

The teaching of reading is effective. This starts from the first day of Reception.

Pupils develop a strong love of reading, and this is enhanced by the school's determined focus to help pupils to learn to read. Pupils benefit from reading a broad range of books from various faiths, cultures and languages, and about different relationships and family structures. The school maintains close oversight of pupils' reading experience and skills.

Staff have the required expert knowledge to teach phonics well. Pupils read books that match the sounds they have learned. Struggling readers are supported effectively to keep up.

Consequently, pupils develop into fluent and accurate readers.

The school has high expectations for the conduct of pupils. From the earliest days of Reception, staff teach children how to behave.

Pupils learn to resolve disagreements and use their words kindly to express themselves. They understand the school's expectations and feel they are fair and consistent. Consequently, there is little disruption in lessons.

The school's work on attendance is comprehensive. It is being successful in improving the attendance of all pupils.

Pupils' broader development is well supported.

The school has developed a coherent curriculum that develops pupils' character and sense of self. From the start of Reception, all pupils are guided through a well-considered curriculum which broadens their horizons beyond the local community. Pupils are taught to be good citizens and are helped to understand the fundamental British values.

As a result, pupils are ready for the next stage in their education.

The school is inclusive. Leaders demonstrate this through their positive community work.

Governors challenge the school effectively to continue to improve. They are sharply focused on the changes that will bring about the most important improvements for pupils. Staff appreciate how leaders consider their workload and well-being.

They value time to work on important tasks as a team. As a result, staff are proud to work at Trosnant Infant School.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The implementation of a few foundation subjects needs refining. As a result, pupils' learning is not as consistent as it could be across the curriculum. The school should ensure that all staff have the expert knowledge required to teach across the curriculum, emphasise the most important content, check pupils' understanding carefully and use this information to inform future teaching.

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