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The school has exceptionally high expectations of all pupils, which they consistently meet. Across the curriculum, pupils keenly engage in challenging subject content. Staff foster a love of each subject so that all pupils thrive in their phase and are well prepared for their next stages of learning.
As a result, pupils enjoy school. They excel academically and flourish as well-rounded individuals. Pupils' behaviour is excellent, and they feel safe and valued.
They are very confident that any concerns they raise will be responded to appropriately by staff.
Pupils are remarkably proud of their school. They engage with an exceptional selection of extra-curricul...ar activities from Years 7 to 13.
These range from choirs to sports clubs. Many clubs and societies are pupil-led, including political debating and 'crochet and craft'. They enjoy an extensive array of rich opportunities designed to nurture their talents and interests.
Pupils value honing their leadership skills. They feel that their voice is heard and that they have a powerful say in their school community through, for example, the 'Legacy Project'. As one parent commented, 'There is an inclusive, supportive atmosphere, with a 'can do' ethos.
Pupils are always encouraged to give their best.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff promote high aspirations and expectations for the learning of all pupils across the curriculum. In each subject, the curriculum is built thoughtfully to support pupils gaining a deep understanding of knowledge over time.
The school has ensured that the curriculum is diverse and that pupils explore themes relevant to the world around them, such as inclusivity and equality.
The subject knowledge of teachers is excellent. This means that pupils benefit from very clear explanations and rich discussion and debate in lessons.
All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are superbly supported to access the curriculum and achieve exceptionally well. As a result, pupils speak confidently about their learning. Pupils are highly diligent and reflective.
They discuss their strengths and areas for improvement using a wide range of precise vocabulary that they are taught within the curriculum. They relish the opportunity to meet their own high expectations within a learning community that provides them with everything they need.
The school has ensured there is a highly effective culture of success and achievement across the sixth form.
The sixth-form offer is broad and dynamic. Staff demonstrate highly effective assessment of understanding and feedback, which supports all pupils to develop a deep understanding of what they are taught. Sixth-form students play an active part in the wider life of the school.
They recognise that their student leadership roles enable them to work towards common goals as a community with the rest of the school. There is also an active alumni, which supports and guides current students.
The school has established a strong culture of reading, with opportunities for pupils within different subjects to develop a love of a wide range of literature.
Staff promote and engage pupils in ambitious texts across the curriculum.
The well-being of pupils is a high priority. Pastoral care is central to the role of every staff member.
Staff teams across the school work sensitively together with external agencies to ensure that all pupils receive the support that they are entitled to. Pupils appreciate the diligent monitoring of their progress and well-being. They explore a wealth of important issues related to the world and their well-being through regular assemblies and activities in their forms.
Pupils are also taught relevant and thought-provoking personal, social and health education lessons. As a result, pupils confidently share their detailed understanding about age-appropriate relationships and the importance of concepts such as consent and respect. For example, key stage 4 pupils are encouraged to reflect on the impact of their actions upon others.
Pupils across the school also receive excellent impartial careers information to help them prepare for their next steps.
Pupils are extremely polite and highly motivated to learn. In lessons, they are keenly engaged and committed to mastering what they are being taught.
Pupils' behaviour is calm around the school. They respect and exemplify the long-established values of the school. Pupil uptake of clubs is high, particularly in key stage 3.
Pupils strongly benefit from purposeful opportunities to support other communities through charity fundraising, such as supporting a school in Ghana.
Leaders across the school are unwavering in their ambition for all pupils. Governors are very knowledgeable and well informed about the school.
They work skilfully with leaders to ensure that all pupils are provided with a first-class education. Staff feel exceptionally well supported by the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.