Turnfurlong Junior School

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About Turnfurlong Junior School

Name Turnfurlong Junior School
Website http://www.tjs.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jo Divers
Address Turnfurlong Lane, Aylesbury, HP21 7PL
Phone Number 01296489264
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 369
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils experience a wide range of opportunities at Turnfurlong Junior School. The high-quality curriculum is enhanced by the school's rich musical life.

Experiences of sports and of the arts are similarly involving. Leaders ensure that pupils find something they love participating in, nurturing their hidden talents.

The school's core values of kindness, happiness, honesty, respect and inclusion are seen in abundance.

Pupils are highly respectful of each other and of adults. There is a clear warmth and trust among staff and pupils. Pupils feel happy and value the wealth of learning opportunities offered to them.

Pupils engage exceptionally well in the...ir learning. At break- and lunchtimes, they play well with each other, helping to create a calm environment. Year 6 pupils become peer mentors to support other pupils across the school.

Adults place great value on listening to pupils' views. They take them into account when reviewing and developing their plans for what pupils will learn and how.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a clear ambition for all pupils.

Pupils learn exceptionally well and can talk knowledgably about what they have studied. Deliberately planned activities enhance and enrich pupils' learning. For example, in French, pupils hold fluent conversations and have linked with a school in France, with which they video conference weekly.

Leaders invite authors to visit the school often. Pupils value these experiences highly and are enthused by the stories they are told.

Leaders identified that the standards pupils achieved in writing last year were not as high as they aspired for them to be.

They have taken swift action to address this relative weakness, putting a new writing curriculum in place. As a result, the quality of pupils' writing has improved notably.

Teachers ensure that no pupil falls behind in their learning and act quickly to close gaps.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified quickly and supported in their learning. Teachers' strong subject knowledge enables them to address pupils' misconceptions swiftly.

Reading is an exceptionally high priority.

Leaders have created an ambitious reading curriculum that links well with chosen key texts. When pupils join the school, teachers check quickly to spot what support pupils may need to become fluent readers. Where pupils need to develop their knowledge of phonics, leaders plan support that builds on what pupils have learned in their previous school.

Leaders ensure that reading is at the heart of everything. Many opportunities exist to read across the curriculum. At the start of each day, pupils read novels as a class, helping them to explore a range of themes and social contexts.

There are clear and deliberate approaches taken to the teaching of reading that are consistent across the school.Behaviour in lessons is exemplary. Leaders ensure that staff know pupils well and build positive, caring relationships.

Pupils want to be in school. They clearly take pride in their work and are challenged to try their best. Where appropriate, pupils get the extra and specific help they need to make positive choices about their own behaviour.

Pupils help each other to stay focused on their learning. There is genuine care and compassion seen among pupils.

The personal development of pupils is truly exceptional.

All pupils have access to high-quality personal, social and health education (PSHE). They have a rich knowledge of a range of topics such as dangers and hazards, healthy lifestyles and keeping fit. Pupils benefit from an inclusive, very well-considered range of extra-curricular activities.

Every opportunity is seized on. British values are threaded through the curriculum expertly. As a result, pupils have a strong knowledge of different communities and families.

Pupils demonstrate a clear understanding of inclusion and diversity. Pupils are adamant that prejudicial behaviours are not tolerated in their school. They are keen to engage in voluntary and community work and to learn about their local town.

Pupils benefit from a broad range of opportunities. Pupils flourish in a range of leadership roles, acting as peer mentors and mental health first aiders. This supports the school's value of 'grow', ensuring that pupils are resilient individuals.

Staff feel well supported by leaders and strongly feel that their well-being and workload are considered. Leaders ensure that staff receive a range of high-quality training that ensures they are effective teachers in the classroom. Teaching assistants train to be teachers and feel that the way the headteacher supports them in their journey is life-changing.

Governors perform their statutory duties very effectively and know the school extremely well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong and positive culture of safeguarding in the school.

Leaders ensure that there are robust systems in place for tracking concerns. Staff and governors have a clear understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities. Regular training and updates are given to staff to enable them to be aware of risks in the local community and to provide pupils with the vital knowledge to help them stay safe.

The school's welfare team supports pupils and families extremely well.

Pupils know who their trusted adult is and say that there are people in the school they could ask for help. The coherent and well-planned PSHE curriculum provides pupils with helpful advice about staying safe, both when online and in daily life too.

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