Tynyrheol Primary School

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About Tynyrheol Primary School

Name Tynyrheol Primary School
Address Heol Llangeinor, CF32 8PN
Phone Number 01656815820
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 66 (51.5% boys 48.5% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 18.6
Local Authority Bridgend
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Tynyrheol Primary School is in the village of Llangeinor, in the Garw Valley in Bridgend local authority.

There are 77 pupils on roll, aged from three to eleven, including five full-time nursery children and five who attend part-time. There are four mixed-age classes in the school. The rolling average for the past three years of pupils eligible for free school meals is British ethnicity.

A very few pupils speak Welsh at home. The school identifies around 23% of pupils with additional learning needs. This is slightly higher than the national average of 21%.

The acting executive headteacher took up her position in January 2018. She is the school's fourth headteacher in the past year. The school's last inspection was... in 2010.

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