UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park

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About UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park

Name UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park
Website http://www.utcsheffield.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Jessica Stevenson
Address 2 Old Hall Road, Sheffield, S9 3TU
Phone Number 01143084000
Phase Academy
Type University technical college
Age Range 13-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 426
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders and governors at the university technical college (UTC) have established a successful provision with a highly distinctive ethos.

As a result, the school is popular and growing rapidly. The principal and her leadership team work closely with UTC Sheffield Academy Trust to support the continuous improvement of the school. Leaders have unwavering commitment and dedication to continuous improvement.

Governors make a strong contribution to leadership. They know the school very well and provide effective support and challenge to leaders. Strong support is in place for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and... this is helping them to make good progress.

Most pupils benefit from good teaching that enables them to learn effectively and be successful in their studies. As a result, pupils make strong progress from their starting points in most subjects. In key stage 4, the attainment of pupils in English and mathematics is above the national average.

Pupils in the main school and students in the sixth form benefit from very effective careers information, advice and guidance. In 2018, all pupils in Year 11 and students in Year 13 progressed to further education, employment or training. The relationships between staff and pupils across the whole school are very positive and promote a culture of respect.

Pupils' personal development, behaviour and welfare are good. Pupils attend well and wear their business-like uniforms with pride. They behave well and show good attitudes to their learning.

The progress of current post-16 students on vocational courses is strong and above the national average. The progress of students on academic courses is improving, but it is below the national average. There is a small amount of variability in the quality of teaching.

Sometimes, work for the most able pupils lacks challenge and this hampers their progress. The rate of improvement in the progress of pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, in computer science, French, and English literature is slower than in other subjects.

Information about this school

UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park opened in September 2016.

The UTC is funded by the Department for Education and co-sponsored by Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sheffield Hallam University and The Sheffield College. It is governed by Sheffield UTC Academy Trust. The UTC offers technical qualifications in computing, health sciences and sports science, as well as GCSEs and A levels.

The UTC admits pupils from the Sheffield City region and beyond. Students study their technical subject for a substantial proportion of the week. The college day is longer than in most secondary schools.

The UTC is small compared with the average-sized secondary school. In its first year, students were admitted into Year 10 and Year 12. Since September 2018, the college has admitted students into Year 9.

The principal was appointed in March 2016. The vice-principal was promoted from the college staff in September 2017 and a new senior leader responsible for inclusion joined the college in the same year. There is an equal proportion of boys and girls studying at the college.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils supported by pupil premium funding is below average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is below average. The college does not use alternative provision.

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