University Academy Holbeach

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About University Academy Holbeach

Name University Academy Holbeach
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Miss Sheila Paige
Address Park Road, Holbeach, Spalding, PE12 7PU
Phone Number 01406423042
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1390
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The principal, supported by his senior team, sets high expectations for pupils. Leaders are capable and experienced.

They have a good understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses. Governors and trustees have a range of relevant skills and experiences. They are committed to improving the life chances of all pupils.

The school is welcoming and friendly. Pupils and staff enjoy positive relationships based on mutual respect and trust. Leaders have designed a curriculum which balances the core subjects of English, mathematics and science, with humanities, the arts, technical and vocational subjects.

Pupils at the end of Year... 11 in 2018 made progress that was average overall. Pupils currently at the school make good progress in most subjects. Disadvantaged pupils make good progress.

Effective use of pupil premium funding is successfully overcoming barriers to learning, resulting in improving learning and attendance. Leaders have brought about improvements in pupils' attendance. Teaching is good overall.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge and plan engaging activities that challenge pupils. Homework is a strength of the school. Homework books enable pupils to demonstrate their independent work, learning and commitment to continually improve their work.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are very positive. Pupils are proud of their school and respect the school environment. Pupils' behaviour is good.

They conduct themselves well in lessons and around the school. Pastoral care is a strength of the school. Pupils say that they feel safe and that bullying is rare.

Safeguarding in the school is effective. The sixth form offers a relevant and broad curriculum to meet students' needs. Teaching is consistently good, which results in good outcomes.

Strong personal development, support and guidance mean that retention rates are high and destinations for students are very positive. Leaders do not consistently and precisely evaluate their monitoring information for different groups of pupils. As a result, strategic planning is not as sharp as it could be.

Information about this school

The school is part of the Lincolnshire Educational Trust. The trustees are the appropriate authority. The school is larger than the average-sized secondary school.

The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for support through pupil premium funding is in line with the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above the national average. The percentage of pupils with an education, health and care plan is above the national average.

The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups is lower than the national average and the proportion who speak English as an additional language is below the average national figure. The school uses several alternative providers for some of its pupils. These include Bridge House, Build-a-future and the Pilgrim School.

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