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This is an outstanding school The headteacher provides inspirational, inclusive leadership. His vision and values are reflected in the relentless pursuit of excellence across the work of the whole school team.
Governors are highly committed and skilful. They use their impressive range of expertise very effectively to support leaders and in holding them to account for the school's performance. The bold, ambitious and knowledge-rich curriculum empowers pupils of all ages to learn, to question, to discuss and to challenge ideas across a broad range of subjects.
High-quality, innovative, research-based teaching leads to a trajectory of improving outcomes and build...s secure foundations for pupils' future learning. Teachers plan exciting activities in a stimulating environment. Pupils are encouraged to aim high.
They are willing to try hard and know that they can learn from their mistakes. Together with other pupils, disadvantaged pupils and pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities typically make rapid progress from their different starting points. Very effective teaching in Reception is coupled with well-considered opportunities for playful enquiry.
As a result, children become resilient, confident and independent learners who are well prepared for Year 1. Leaders are working to ensure that children have as many opportunities to practise their mathematics skills, through play and in other areas of learning, as they do in writing. Strong phonics teaching ensures that children get off to a good start with their reading.
A love of reading is very well promoted across the school. The school's core values are firmly rooted in pupils' outstanding behaviour, regular attendance and exemplary attitudes to learning. Pupils' safety is of the highest priority.
Staff are well trained and vigilant in protecting them from harm. Almost all parents and carers are highly positive about the school. Leaders know that there is more to do to improve communications with the few whose views are not entirely positive.
Information about this school
The school opened in September 2015 as a free school and designated university training school. It operates within a trust established by the University of Cambridge. In its first year, the school offered 30 places in each of two Reception classes and in one class in each of Years 1 and 2.
There are currently 300 pupils on roll from Reception to Year 4. The school is on track to reach its full, three-form entry capacity of 630 pupils in September 2021. Plans are in place to provide a nursery to meet the growing needs of the local community.
The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is above the national average. While increasing year-on-year, the proportion of disadvantaged pupils supported by the pupil premium is below the national average. This is also the case for pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities and pupils with an education, health and care plan.