Upton Primary School

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About Upton Primary School

Name Upton Primary School
Website http://www.upton.bexley.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs April Robinson
Address Iris Avenue, Bexley, DA5 1HH
Phone Number 02083037266
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 458
Local Authority Bexley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school Senior leaders and governors work exceptionally well together to create a vibrant, caring, hard-working climate for learning across the school. The headteacher's calm, thoughtful and decisive leadership helps other leaders to thrive and be successful in their roles.

The school has improved rapidly since the previous inspection. Teaching, learning and assessment have improved significantly, resulting in outcomes for pupils which are now outstanding. Pupils' behaviour is outstanding.

They learn and play together extremely well and are able to recognise and celebrate their similarities and differences. Pupils 'live' the school's valu...es of tolerance and respect. They are confident, caring, friendly young British citizens.

Teachers plan interesting lessons and create a stunning learning environment around the school, which pupils benefit from and are proud of. Teachers provide precise guidance to pupils to help them improve their work. Children in the early years provision benefit from a wonderful start to their education.

They make excellent progress from their starting points and a very high proportion of them achieve a good overall level of development. Leaders and teachers have ensured a sharp focus on checking pupils' progress regularly and systematically. As a result, past differences between the achievement of disadvantaged pupils and others are diminishing rapidly in all year groups.

Pupils' outcomes in reading, writing and mathematics were above the national average for all pupils in 2016. Provisional outcomes for 2017 show improvements on these results. Leaders and governors have used additional funding for disadvantaged pupils very well.

Their attainment in reading, writing and mathematics in 2017 is expected to be well above last year's national average for all pupils. The absolute priority of all staff in the school is to keep children safe and to ensure their well-being. As one parent put it, 'The best thing about this school is that the children are so happy.'

Parents are very positive about the work of the school. Teachers and support staff demonstrate excellent subject knowledge in all subjects taught. However, the progress that pupils make in science is not consistently strong in all year groups.

Pupils would benefit from further opportunities to apply their reading, writing and mathematics skills in all subjects across the curriculum.

Information about this school

The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. The school is part of the Inspire Partnership.

This is a collaboration of schools which share best practice in the area. The school secures some professional development opportunities from the partnership. Upton is a larger than average-sized primary school.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils who are eligible for pupil premium funding is slightly smaller than average. The large majority of pupils are of White British heritage. The next largest group are of Black African heritage.

The school has a resourced provision for eight pupils who are on the autistic spectrum disorder (The Pad), and a resourced provision for 12 pupils with speech, language and communication difficulties (The Ark). The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is much lower than average. The school meets the current government floor standards.

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