Valley Gardens Middle School

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About Valley Gardens Middle School

Name Valley Gardens Middle School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Godfrey
Address Valley Gardens, Whitley Bay, NE25 9AQ
Phone Number 01919176667
Phase Secondary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 9-13
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 766
Local Authority North Tyneside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is an exceptional place to learn.

Staff are highly ambitious for all pupils and have created a culture of excellence. There is a bold artistic, creative and academic curriculum at the school. Pupils are resilient, reflective and confident.

They rise to the school's expectations and achieve highly across a wide range of subjects. The school has done significant work to ensure disadvantaged pupils achieve as highly as their peers.

Pupils are polite and conduct themselves in an excellent manner.

They value their education, work hard and attend well. Staff and pupils share warm, positive relationships where problems can be openly discussed. helps pupils to stay safe and report concerns they might have.

Pupils are kind and respectful. They have a strong understanding of those who are different from themselves.

Staff go above and beyond to ensure pupils achieve or exceed their potential.

Pupils are passionate about doing their best. A vast range of extra-curricular clubs take place each week. Many pupils, including the most disadvantaged, take part in one or more of these.

A large proportion of pupils learn a musical instrument. Pupils thrive because of these opportunities.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has created a carefully planned and highly effective curriculum.

Pupils have the precise skills and secure knowledge to prepare them for their next stage of education. The topics that pupils learn in different subjects complement each other strongly, for example in history and drama, where the origins of the theatre are explored.

Staff are knowledgeable and passionate.

They teach the school's rich and varied curriculum with enthusiasm. Pupils are confident and articulate because they are encouraged to express themselves in their work. There are regular opportunities for pupils to revisit what they have previously learned.

Staff are highly effective at ensuring that pupils understand what they have been taught. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils share a passion for reading.

Pupils read frequently for pleasure and experience challenging new texts with the support of staff. Pupils read independently on a regular basis and talk with enthusiasm about the books they have enjoyed. Pupils at an early stage of learning to read get the help they require to read confidently.

Provision for pupils with SEND is exceptionally strong. The specially resourced provision at the school is highly effective at supporting pupils with SEND academically. The school ensures that pupils with SEND engage fully in the wider life of school.

Leaders have created additional support for pupils who find attending school a challenge. This work has been highly effective at engaging vulnerable pupils back into education.

The school's personal, social and health education curriculum is precisely tailored to the needs of the pupils.

It is regularly adapted to respond to local and national issues. Pupils develop a clear set of values and a sense of moral purpose. They take action to protect their local environment, for example by planting trees on the school grounds.

The school deliberately teaches pupils about the importance of developing a strong character, for example by showing kindness and respecting others.

The pastoral care of pupils at the school is excellent. Staff know pupils well and always act in their best interests.

Regular opportunities to participate in a wide range of sports significantly benefit pupils' mental and physical well-being. The school offers a remarkable range of enrichment opportunities. These include workshops on finance, enterprise, engineering and survival skills, in addition to foreign trips and local theatre visits.

Careers information and guidance inspires pupils for their futures.

Leaders are reflective and regularly engage with parents, carers, pupils and staff on a range of issues. Staff benefit from highly effective professional development opportunities.

Staff appreciate the school's focus on their well-being. Governors support and challenge the school effectively to ensure that it continues to provide an exceptional standard of education and pastoral care for pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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