Valley Invicta Primary School At Aylesford

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About Valley Invicta Primary School At Aylesford

Name Valley Invicta Primary School At Aylesford
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Billy Harrington
Address Teapot Lane, Aylesford, ME20 7JU
Phone Number 01622718192
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 384
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this exciting, nurturing and inclusive school. There is a welcoming, friendly and purposeful atmosphere and a strong sense of community.

Pupils are happy and enjoy learning. Parents appreciate this culture, with one saying, 'Strong leadership from the top, coupled with excellent teaching and support staff, makes for a very happy environment.' The school's values of respect, resilience, responsibility, cooperation and individuality are deeply embedded and very ably demonstrated by the pupils in all that they do.

Leaders' expectations are highly ambitious for the academic and personal development of all pupils. This is reflected in an exceptionally rich... curriculum and pupils' exemplary behaviour and attitudes. Bullying is very rare.

Pupils have absolute confidence that staff will deal quickly with any issues should they occur. Pupils feel very safe in school. They have highly positive and trusting relationships with staff.

Children in Reception settle very well and learn the routines of the school quickly.

Pupils are provided with many opportunities to take on leadership responsibilities. They make an active contribution to the school community and take their roles as 'ambassadors' seriously.

Pupils take great pride in their school, their achievements and the achievements of others.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The headteacher is determined and uncompromising in his drive to ensure that all pupils, including the most disadvantaged and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), have the very best learning experiences. As a result, leaders have created an impressive and vibrant curriculum.

Teachers build on pupils' knowledge and skills exceptionally well. Leaders are quick to identify pupils with SEND. The curriculum is carefully constructed to ensure that these pupils enjoy the same opportunities to learn alongside others.

Staff adapt learning expertly and provide appropriate support and resources to ensure that all pupils learn the curriculum successfully and achieve highly. In Reception, the curriculum links clearly to key stage 1 and beyond. Activities are very well organised, so children are fully involved and concentrate extremely well.

Children develop curiosity, independence and resilience. Well-resourced classrooms and outdoor areas encourage the development of early reading and number skills. There is an essential focus on developing children's vocabulary, which continues throughout the school.

Subject leaders are extremely skilled and knowledgeable. They work exceptionally hard and provide teachers with valuable guidance and training. Teachers have expert subject knowledge.

Leaders have established an excellent approach to teaching and learning, which ensures a consistently high-quality education for all pupils across all subjects and year groups. Teachers check pupils' understanding very effectively and use this information to skilfully adapt teaching so that nobody falls behind.

Pupils learn to read with accuracy and confidence.

Leaders ensure that there is highly effective and consistent teaching of the agreed phonics scheme. Pupils learn the sounds they need to help them read quickly. Books are carefully matched to sounds pupils know to help them develop fluency.

Staff identify those pupils who need extra support swiftly and give them additional help to keep up. Reading for pleasure is promoted right from the beginning. As soon as children start at the school, in Reception, they are encouraged to develop a love of stories, rhymes and songs.

Teachers read aloud regularly in all classes. Pupils are introduced to a wide range of diverse and challenging quality texts and poetry. Earning an ERIN bear (Enjoying Reading Inspires Novelists) and entering related competitions motivates pupils to read widely and often.

Pupils' reading skills mean that they can access the wider curriculum fully.

Leaders provide a rich personal development curriculum. This fosters pupils' well-being but also develops their characters exceptionally well.

Pupils understand British values. They are extremely respectful and accepting of others with different beliefs, backgrounds, cultures or ways of learning. Pupils behave outstandingly well and take responsibility for their own behaviour.

Their very positive attitudes to school and learning ensure high levels of engagement in all lessons. Leaders' focus on the development of pupils' personal skills and attributes, as well as their academic achievement, means pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the future.

The headteacher has created an effective team of dedicated leaders and staff.

There is a strong culture of mutual support and teamwork. Staff appreciate the high-quality training and the strong collaboration with other schools in the trust. Staff know that leaders listen to them and are considerate of their workload and well-being.

They feel valued and exceptionally proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding.

Policies and procedures are clear and robust. Staff are well trained in safeguarding matters and quickly identify and record any concerns. Leaders take swift and appropriate action, including involving external agencies where appropriate.

They ensure that pupils and families get the help they need.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe online and in the local area. Parents agree that their children are safe, with one saying, 'I feel reassured that my child is safe and cared for during the school day, and her well-being is their priority, as it is mine.'

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