Vernon Primary School

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About Vernon Primary School

Name Vernon Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Jo Carvell
Address Clumber Road, Poynton, SK12 1NW
Phone Number 01625872556
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 375
Local Authority Cheshire East
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at this nurturing and caring school. They thrive both academically and socially. The school motto 'Nobody else is quite like me' encourages pupils to celebrate their unique talents.

Their happiness is reflected in their exceptionally positive attitudes towards each other.

Pupils' behaviour is impeccable throughout the school day. They endeavour to be 'safe, ready and respectful'.

Children in the Reception classes learn to listen to each other and to adults. Older pupils spoke enthusiastically about the house points that they receive for their exemplary manners and conduct.

The school's expectations of what pupils can achieve are ambit...ious, including for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils strive to meet these expectations and achieve very well. By the time they leave Year 6, pupils are remarkably well prepared for their move to secondary school.

Pupils are very proud to make a tangible contribution to both their school and the local community.

They enjoy being members of the eco and safeguarding committees. Children in the Reception Year visit local care homes. Older pupils are planning a 'bug hotel' for the local town centre.

The school provides a rich programme of experiences for pupils. Pupils spoke enthusiastically about clubs such as coding and gardening. These experiences enable them to discover new talents.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Much thought has gone into shaping an exceptional curriculum for pupils at this school. There is precision and clarity about the knowledge that pupils must acquire and remember in each subject from the early years to Year 6.

The school has carefully tailored the curriculum to pupils' individual learning needs, including pupils with SEND.

Staff identify pupils who may have SEND quickly and accurately. Where necessary, they skilfully adapt resources so that these pupils can benefit from the same excellent curriculum as their peers. From the early years children become confident and inquisitive learners.

They are remarkably well prepared for key stage 1.

Staff have in-depth subject knowledge. They embrace the ongoing professional development that they receive.

Teachers ensure that pupils have mastered the foundations in subjects before moving on to more difficult concepts. There are regular opportunities to revisit learning. Teachers identify and quickly address gaps in learning.

As a result, pupils gain an impressive depth of knowledge. They make strong connections between new knowledge and prior learning.

The school has made reading a high priority.

Staff develop pupils' love of reading from the beginning of the Reception Year to Year 6. Staff have thought carefully about the books that are most suited to pupils at each stage in their reading journey. From the start of the early years, they immerse children in books.

Children build an understanding of new vocabulary quickly. Older pupils spoke enthusiastically about the benefits of reading a wide range of books by different authors. They particularly appreciate the 'reading hub', which allows them to 'relax and get lost in books'.

Staff are extremely well trained to deliver the phonics programme to pupils from the start of the Reception Year. They match books well to the sounds that pupils are learning. Pupils rapidly become fluent readers.

Those who find reading more difficult receive additional support to catch up swiftly.

Excellent relationships between pupils and staff help create a settled and calm environment in the school. In the early years, children focus fully on the task at hand.

Pupils show admirable resilience when they find tasks more difficult. They are unfailingly polite and supportive of each other.

The school's work to ensure that pupils develop as well-rounded young people is highly developed.

Pupils learn in depth how to look after their physical and mental health. They are keen to help others. For instance, they regularly support charities, including the local food bank.

The school also encourages pupils to be aspirational about their futures. For example, they engage with local businesses and take part in enterprise days.

Pupils understand the diverse nature of the world in which they live.

They talked knowledgeably about different religions. Their wider knowledge of the world allows them to debate relevant and topical issues with profound understanding and empathy. The experiences that pupils receive prepare them exceptionally well for life in British society.

Governors use their expertise to support and challenge the school effectively. This has helped them to ensure that the quality of education has remained exceptional over time. When making decisions, the school is considerate of the impact on staff's workload.

Staff appreciate the time given by the school for them to complete their work. They feel valued and are proud to work at Vernon.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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