Vicarage Primary School

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About Vicarage Primary School

Name Vicarage Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Shabana Khan
Address Vicarage Lane, East Ham, London, E6 6AD
Phone Number 02084721010
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 891
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils excel at this ambitious school where everyone works to deliver the school's guiding principle 'Be the best you can be'. Teachers and leaders help pupils to become knowledgeable and enthusiastic about what they learn across the curriculum.

Pupils enjoy a range of special opportunities that leaders organise. For example, pupils attended a four-day poetry retreat to in the New Forest where they work with a poet to write their own poems.

Leaders have the highest expectations of pupils' outcomes and behaviour, from the early years upwards.

Pupils' behaviour and attitudes are exceptional. Pupils strive for excellence in their work, are extremely respectful i...n the way they treat adults and each other and show resilience in finding ways to resolve any issues. From the early years, children are encouraged to try their very best to succeed in their learning.

Pupils' interests are developed by a wide range of extracurricular clubs on offer, including first aid, gardening, drama and rounders. Pupils relish the opportunity to take on responsibility. The school council hold an important place in the school.

Members are well respected by their peers and take their responsibilities seriously, including coordinating donations to a local food bank and leading assemblies about mental health and anti-bullying.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders provide an exceptional education which often takes pupils beyond the national curriculum requirements. For example, science investigations enhance pupils' knowledge of living things when they dissect a plant in Year 3 and a sheep's heart in Year 6.

Progression of knowledge and skills is meticulously planned, including ambitious concepts and key vocabulary. This begins in the early years, where the curriculum captures children's interests and broadens their knowledge. Leaders help pupils remember key concepts and understand their meanings in different contexts.

For instance, children in Reception learn about hierarchy in their own families. Later, pupils study how power is organised into hierarchies in different civilizations throughout history.

Teachers have expert subject knowledge and a detailed understanding of the curriculum.

This enables them to focus sharply on the precise knowledge pupils must acquire to understand more complex concepts later. They regularly revisit essential knowledge to ensure that it is not forgotten. Consequently, pupils recall important ideas with ease across the curriculum and readily make sense of new learning.

Leaders instil a strong reading culture across the school. From the early years onwards, pupils delight in reading a range of high-quality novels, non-fiction texts and poems. In early years, children talked about their favourite stories, such as Jack and the Beanstalk, which inspire them to create their own stories.

In the early years, and for all pupils at the early stages of reading, staff have a strong focus on building children's phonic knowledge and extending their speech and language. This provides a sure foundation for pupils to gain the knowledge and skills they need to become confident, fluent readers quickly.

Leaders identify the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and provide appropriate support.

Staff make adaptations to help pupils with SEND to settle well and learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. Pupils with SEND grow in confidence and independence through taking part in carefully designed activities such as horse-riding, swimming, music therapy and projects in the local community.

Pupils' conduct is exemplary.

Leaders foster a culture of mutual respect across the school. Children in the early years develop high levels of self-control and learn quickly how to engage with others, such as by asking for and offering help. Pupils follow routines readily.

They support each other actively. For example, 'class partners' help each other during lessons. Pupils said this makes a big difference to how well they learn the curriculum.

Pupils' high levels of concentration during lessons help pupils to think deeply about their learning without interruption.

Pupils are taught very regularly and in detail about healthy relationships, how to stay well and the world around them. They frequently study different cultures, faiths and people.

For example, every pupil visits a place of worship each year, and they are taught about different races and different types of families through the texts they read. Pupils said that they are proud that difference is more than tolerated here, and is accepted.

Leaders encourage staff to work together within the school and across the trust.

Staff work closely with their colleagues. They appreciate leaders' efforts to reduce their workload. They described the school as being like a family and are proud of their place in it.

Members of the governing body support leaders effectively. They have an accurate view of what is working well and offer challenge to leaders to help them continually to improve.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders provide ample training to staff about safeguarding. This supports their knowledge and confidence to spot the signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm.

Staff report all their concerns.

Leaders act on these without delay and are tenacious in securing all the help that pupils and their families may need, referring to safeguarding partners and other agencies as appropriate.

Adults build strong and trusting bonds with pupils, which gives them the confidence to report any concerns. Through the curriculum, leaders raise awareness among pupils of safeguarding risks, including online.

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