Vicar’s Green Primary School

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About Vicar’s Green Primary School

Name Vicar’s Green Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Iman Basu Roy
Address Lily Gardens, Alperton, Wembley, HA0 1DP
Phone Number 02089976734
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 454
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive in this safe and welcoming school, where everyone is expected to achieve their best.

Pupils achieve exceptionally well, and have a keen and genuine interest in learning. This is because the school has high academic ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). All pupils benefit from the aspirational curriculum, which is enriched with purposeful and relevant wider experiences.

Warm, nurturing working relationships between adults and pupils permeate the school.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They listen attentively, remain highly motivated and show respect and kindness to both adults and eac...h other.

The school fosters responsibility in pupils, beginning in the early years. For instance, pupils represent their peers as part of the school council. Pupils' ideas have led to changes, such as introducing a wider choice of food options at lunchtime.

Pupils take these responsibilities seriously because they know that their ideas are valued and will be implemented.

The wider curriculum offers multiple opportunities to promote pupils' independence and confidence and to help pupils become very successful learners. High aspirations for pupils' all-round development, rooted in the school values, are evident throughout the school.

Pupils demonstrate these aspirations in various ways, such as participating in external competitions and working with the local food bank.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is sharply focused on doing everything it can to improve the life chances of all pupils. Leaders have developed a highly ambitious curriculum that is well sequenced and starts from the early years.

This allows pupils to build their knowledge fluently and in depth over time. Pupils are well placed to tackle more complex ideas as they progress through the school. For example, in mathematics, older pupils can solve multi-step problems because they have a secure understanding of number and place value.

Similarly, in history, children in the early years learn about the past, present and future. This foundational knowledge helps older pupils identify the causes and effects of different events. In French, pupils build their skills over time by starting with learning important common words in Year 3.

By Year 6, they can confidently construct sentences using these words, for example to talk about and identify food items. Teachers routinely check that pupils have understood what they have learned. This means that any misconceptions are swiftly identified and corrected.

The curriculum is designed around books. This helps to bring subjects to life and also develops pupils' vocabulary and language. Staff have been well trained to implement the school's phonics programme.

This begins as soon as children start school in Reception. Targeted sessions are provided so that pupils who are falling behind catch up quickly. A positive culture of reading exists across the school.

Pupils read widely and often, enjoying visits to the school library and listening to stories.This helps pupils to develop a real love of reading. Pupils speak with confidence and enthusiasm about their favourite books and authors.

The school is ambitious for pupils with SEND. Leaders are well trained and ensure that staff have the knowledge and skills to support pupils' additional needs. Pupils with SEND learn alongside their peers.

They achieve well because learning is adapted effectively.

Pupils behave exceptionally well around the school. This is because expectations are clear and consistently applied.

From the early years, children learn to show a focused attitude towards their learning. They follow routines and instructions. Staff help children grow in confidence and independence, ensuring that they are ready for Year 1.

Attendance is a high priority for the school, and leaders work closely with parents and carers to promote high attendance. This collaborative effort results in positive outcomes.

The programme for wider enrichment is extensive.

Leaders carefully consider the opportunities that pupils get from school. They provide a rich and broad range of experiences through a very deliberate programme of personal development. For example, carefully planned trips and workshops include visits to London landmarks, places of worship or the opera.

Pupils' voice is actively encouraged by the school to enhance the curriculum further. This input is valued by leaders, with pupils encouraged to suggest changes. For example, pupils' suggestions have led to the school incorporating more projects on citizenship into the curriculum, such as calculating profit and loss when making pizzas.

Responsibility is a key school value, and pupils are keen to take on the wealth of opportunities offered. For example, some pupils become reading ambassadors, who get to choose the monthly 'reading heroes'.

School leaders have an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and priorities.

They are united in their drive and ambition to make sure that all pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education. Staff feel extremely well supported by leaders and are proud to work at this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
Junior Adventures Group @ Vicars Green HA0

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