Virginia Primary School

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About Virginia Primary School

Name Virginia Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head teacher Ms Barbara Lo Giudice
Address Virginia Road, Bethnal Green, London, E2 7NQ
Phone Number 02077396195
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 214
Local Authority Tower Hamlets
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school The headteacher and deputy headteacher have created a culture of high aspirations.

Everyone is focused on improving pupils. learning and doing things better. This ensures that pupils have very high aspirations of what they can achieve in their learning and life.

Pupils love learning across all subjects in the primary curriculum. This enjoyment starts in the early years and continues through their school career. They are helped to unlock reading through their rapid development of reading skills.

Pupils have an exceptional understanding of equalities. They are adamant that they challenge behaviour or views that undermine eq...ual opportunities, for example homophobic language. Pupils know the impact that derogatory language can have on people.

s well-being. Teachers are highly skilled in developing pupils. learning.

They ask deep and searching questions that extend pupils. thinking and understanding. Governors are highly challenging and focus on how well pupils achieve academically and socially.

They are self-critical and are driving their own improvement as well as the school.s. Regardless of their background, ethnicity, gender, or starting point, pupils make exceptionally strong progress in their learning.

Teachers. strong subject knowledge is evident in their teaching across the curriculum. This helps to ensure that rapid progress is typical in all areas of pupils.

learning Pupils. attendance at school is high. Leaders have successfully worked with parents to improve individual pupils.

attendance. As a result, persistent absence has been eliminated over the past two and a half years. This demonstrates the highly positive attitude pupils have towards their learning and school.

Pupils behave impeccably throughout the school. They show one another respect and demonstrate tolerance when things do not go to plan. Pupils, staff and parents feel part of a community with a shared vision and set of values.

This is a golden thread in the school.s work and success. Leaders work very effectively with health professionals to identify children who may benefit from accessing nursery sessions early.

This work helps to ensure that the most-vulnerable children get off to a flying start when they formally begin nursery at 3 years old.

Information about this school

Virginia Primary School is smaller than the average-sized primary school nationally. It has eight classes from Nursery to Year 6.

The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic heritage groups is well above the national average. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is well above the national average. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils, supported by the pupil premium (additional government funding for pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and looked after children) is well above the national average.

The school meets the government floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils. attainment and progress by the end of Year 6. The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.

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