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This is a good school Leaders have created a culture where the school's motto, 'business like and business led', is evident in all areas of the school. Governors are well informed and have a wide range of skills and experiences.
They support and hold leaders to account effectively in order to drive school improvement. Safeguarding is effective. Very secure systems and a lively curriculum are in place to ensure that pupils feel, and are, safe.
Teaching is effective. Teachers have good subject knowledge and are passionate about the real-world application of their subjects. Work-based learning is at the heart of the curriculum and consistently enlivens lessons....r/> Pupils make good progress from their starting points in Year 10. Their abilities on entry to the school and progress during key stage 4 are tracked meticulously. Leaders have high expectations of pupils' personal development.
Pupils are articulate and thoughtful about their work and behave well in lessons and on the school site. Leaders have designed a comprehensive enrichment programme. This means that all pupils enjoy a full, broad and balanced curriculum.
Study programmes in the sixth form are well matched to students' needs. Students are making good progress from their starting points. The tracking of pupils' behaviour and attendance is not as focused as it needs to be.
In a small number of cases, teaching does not match the high standards of the best in the academy. Where this is the case, pupils' behaviour is not as good as in other lessons.
Information about this school
The school opened in 2014.
Current pupils are more highly focused on engineering than the first group of pupils who left the school in 2016. University technical colleges (UTCs) are schools for 14–19-year-olds whose curriculum focuses on science, technology, engineering and mathematical subjects. The WMG Academy focuses on engineering.
All aspects of the school's learning, pastoral, academic and technical, are designed to be applicable to the workplace and reflect the needs of the local economy. The school shares a site with Westwood Academy, which is a secondary school. The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.
The school complies with Department for Education guidance on what academies should publish. The Baker Dearing Trust, whose focus is on promoting and supporting UTCs, supports the school. It is also supported by Redborne Upper School for pupils' progress data and tracking systems.